
Mar 21, 2013
I am a patient that needs access to compounded hormone treatments that I can afford.

I am asking the FDA not to block patients' access to compounded hormones by not implementing recommendations of the 2020 NASEM report. The recommendations from this FDA commissioned report, if implemented, will deprive millions of patients like me from getting the treatment they need to combat life-altering symptoms that are currently managed through compounded hormone therapy.

NASEM's recommendations seek to severely restrict - or eliminate entirely- the ability of the physician to prescribe cBHT to his or her patients. In turn, the restriction on the physician's ability to prescribe cBHT would limit the patient 's choices for treatment. When a patient's choices are limited, so too is his or her path to wellness.

I therefore strongly urge the FDA to consider that patient need take priority over policymaking._id=14577
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They really gonna mess with our trt can’t stand big pharma.. greedy selfish cock suckers
I’ve gone ahead and removed the link to the petition. We generally try to avoid solicitation on bluelight (see BLUA .15)

The subject matter is perfectly fine to discuss though. Thanks for raising the awareness
Oh always these legislations made by people who know fuck about their topic, how I love that. They also ban substances which are safer than approved drugs and continue that stupid, senseless and tragic War on Drugs. Let's shoot on substances! They don't get that substances are tools like screwdrivers, it's about the people who uses them, and their ban culture fuels a worldwide machinery of organized crime. They should have learned from alcohol prohibition but no. Sorry, Idk about that specific law you're referring to but I hope it doesn't come through. Hormones aren't crystal meth and even that I'd like to see in pharmacies and pharm grade quality so that the police could concentrate on what's really ugly, stuff like sex trafficking for example..
Oh always these legislations made by people who know fuck about their topic, how I love that. They also ban substances which are safer than approved drugs and continue that stupid, senseless and tragic War on Drugs. Let's shoot on substances! They don't get that substances are tools like screwdrivers, it's about the people who uses them, and their ban culture fuels a worldwide machinery of organized crime. They should have learned from alcohol prohibition but no. Sorry, Idk about that specific law you're referring to but I hope it doesn't come through. Hormones aren't crystal meth and even that I'd like to see in pharmacies and pharm grade quality so that the police could concentrate on what's really ugly, stuff like sex trafficking for example..
Basically the people pushing for it are saying compounding pharmacies don't oversee their process and production well enough to produce bio identical hormones (I'd imagine it could include corticosteroids too) so they basically want to force people to have to use big pharma products. For me it doesn't change much as I buy black market gear, but my cat gets a pred transdermal formulation for an auto immune disorder which could be impacted as I get it much cheaper and faster from my compounding pharmacy
Basically the people pushing for it are saying compounding pharmacies don't oversee their process and production well enough to produce bio identical hormones (I'd imagine it could include corticosteroids too) so they basically want to force people to have to use big pharma products. For me it doesn't change much as I buy black market gear, but my cat gets a pred transdermal formulation for an auto immune disorder which could be impacted as I get it much cheaper and faster from my compounding pharmacy

Look into switching diet to raw meat with fat, ideally from local butcher, with added heart, liver, kidney... I also blend in small quantities of blueberries, carrot, spinach, pumpkin seeds, mushroom, slightly steamed, for essential nutrients..
Don't feed your cat modern cat biscuits containing grains, or glutens, soy beans, rice flour, pea protein, starches, and other processed crap...