Urgent Advice Requested: Legality of Posting Nudes Online (Sans Consent)


Dec 19, 2003
Ok, I am flaming mad right now, so please bare with me. The jackass who used to date my current girlfriend has nude pictures of her (from when they were dating) and has posted them online without her consent. I need to know if there is anything I can do to, at the very least, threaten legal action. Timely responses would really be appreciated; thanks.
Legal advice is so poorly populated and this does have to do with sex and relationships, as well as law. However, if mods find it proper to move, my apologies.
He lives 1500 miles away from me, but I'm so fucking furious that I want to jump on the next plane with a fucking baseball bat. What a low-class excuse for a scumbag.
Contact the people hosting the forums, ask them nicely.
If that doesn't work, try threatening a DMCA takedown notice. (Or not threatening, but saying you'll consider one).

I'm assuming you and she and he are in the USA?
Update: I called him up and threatened legal action. I might not have had any ground to stand on, but he's no legal scholar. The website has been closed down; the pictures are no longer online. I don't feel any better yet.
Never actually dealt with this one myself, but I suggest you not sink down to his level by doing anything that could put you in jeopardy. That includes making threats.

huntmich, I will leave this here, with a copy to Legal so they can evaluate it as well - some bright legal minds that don't post in the community forums regularly may see it and be able to comment further. So check both places.
There is an implied agreement, due to the nature of the relationship, that such photos are private. Many states have laws on this points. But legally, invasion of privacy issues are very difficult to fight. The best thing to do is to contact the admin/boyfriend and ask him to take the photos down immediately.