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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Unknown RC / ~0.1g) A Cautionary Tale


Feb 17, 2014
Date: Feb 16th 2014
Time: 9pm-1am
Drug: Unknown (RC?)
Dose: approx 0.1g, eyeballed and snorted

I thought I might share my story with you, as a cautionary tale for the brave trippers out there.

It begins on the last day of a festival in the great land of Oz, perched atop a hill in the early evening, enjoying a few crisp beers and generally winding down after a rather spectacular weekend. I was planning to just have a quiet one, and pack it in early for a good nights rest. Enter Bob, an acquaintance we made on the first night, who proudly presents a small bag of "cocaine" that he acquired. He suggests we partake, so I throw my quiet night plans out the window and grab the esky lid to cut up on. We tip a little dusting of the powder out, and I noticed that it was already perfectly ground, this probably should have set off a few alarms, as the coke around these parts is normally pretty shitty and chunky, but at the time I didn't give it a second thought. I separated off roughly a point, and whoosh, away we go.

t:0 - First thoughts, fuck that burns, that really really burns, eyes watering, coughing. Everyone's laughing and joking, all is well.

t:+10secs - (Literally 10 seconds) Intense body load, world starts to go a little wonky, colours vibrant, I know this feeling. I turn to Bob, and with a slight twang of uncertainty inform him that I don't think this is coke.

t:+30secs - I stand up, immediately lose balance and fall over, decide sitting is probably best. By now my entire world has been hit by a psychedelic nuclear bomb. A cast my gaze out across the stage, and I see with incredible detail a strange duality that exists right under our noses. Every blade of grass is a tiny psychedelic gnome, grooving to the beats booming across the festival. Up above, and completely unaware, the party goer's are now morphing fractal gods. The intensity of the next minute or so is literally indescribable, comparable maybe to a breakthrough DMT trip. 8(

t:+1min - I stare out across this technicolour dreamscape, the last logical thought to roll though my head was how incredibly intricate and clear everything was, unlike the warm, fuzzy, liquid world of acid. This was crisp, I could see for miles out past the sea of fractal people and boogie gnomes.

(It's worth noting that this time-scale was told to me after the event, my exact recollection of events is that I was on this hill for somewhere between an hour and eternity.)

t:+1min 30secs - I turn my head slightly and see Bob looking at me, his face is nothing but a swirling, twisting black hole, his voice booms through my universe, 10 octaves lower than satan's most fearful growl "ARREEE YOOOUUU OOOKKK MAAAN..." I try to say yes, but my mouth is not working, like a dying seal flapping its tail around, all my tongue can muster is some mumbled vowels.

t: +2mins - Everyone is around me now, fractal gods twisting and swirling, voices echoing out into eternity, I can't make out any words now, but they lie me down and I close my eyes.

*Scene Missing*

I slowly open my eyes, I was obviously lying down, but at this point I had no body, just an endless sea of swirling mystery.
The first words I can make out are "Medic... hebfhfb.... Accident... bfhefb ..Can you hear me?" All booming echo's swirling and reverberating around in my head so loudly I cant hear anything else being said. Oh fuck.
I glance down and see that my body is still there, good start, so many questions, at this point I don't remember anything, I'm in a strange dream land limbo.
The magical dancing gnomes and technicolour oceans have vanished, this world is closer to the fiery pits of hell. The grass beside my stretcher is a sea of flames. The medic tent is forged of fire and brimstone. Oh fuck.
I now become aware of a lady squeezing my hand, I can make out the words "..can you hear me?". I stare blankly, not sure how to respond, my mouth fumbles on the words again, and she sighs and tells me to lie back.
A few more minutes of people running feverishly about the tent, then suddenly everyone is gone, some peace at last. My memories begin to organize themselves and I recall where I am and the mystery powder.
I sit up on my bed, remove oxygen mask from face, drink a bit of water left there.

Outside there's a terrible commotion, I turn around and see a girl, stark naked, covered in dirt and scratches. She's biting, kicking and screaming demonic obscenities while being pinned down by at least 5 or 6 brave volunteers. Right before my eye's I watch her transform into a werewolf, and no matter how many times I look away and then back I can't shake this hallucination. I hear some mutterings amongst the medic's of "bad acid getting around.." and I wonder to myself who in their right mind would give acid to a werewolf.

Strangely enough I come good remarkably quickly, within 15 or so minutes, all hallucinations have subsided, I'm talking normally to the lady watching me, having a little chuckle about not doing dumb shit like this again. I strolled out of there 10mins later, honest to god, feeling like a million bucks. Friends outside share some well deserved hugs and collective holy-fucking-shits.

By our best estimates the whole ordeal took a little over 3hrs. I'm not too schooled up on obscure psychedelics, by there was talk it may have been 2C-B or similar, which would make 0.1g insufflated, a fucking suicidal dose. So I'm considering myself unbelievably lucky, and taking some valuable lessons from it.

Stay safe friends, never dive in head first without checking the water.
Far out dude. That would have been incredibly intense. I wonder what happened in the *Scene Missing* Part. I am glad you are alright after something like that, wow .
"and I wonder to myself who in their right mind would give acid to a werewolf."

Fucking great. Glad you're okay.
Wow! That's insane 8o

Glad you're ok! Seriously, some people make me HOPE there's a hell for them to burn in. Some people like to bang coke; what if the nasal bioavailability of whatever that was is low, and someone stuck it in a barrel? I'm seriously thinking with powders, next time I buy any, I suggest to the dealer, "Hey, wanna do a little with me?" and make sure they do it first.

WOAH. Amazing story dude.. I have no fucking idea what I would have done in that situation 8o
I've done various psychedelic drugs over the years but they aren't a favourite of mine.
I can't imagine taking one without knowing I was doing so beforehand as I can imagine to suddenly find yourself tripping out when it wasn't what you expected to happen could be very scarey indeed.
wow.. whoever this friend "proudly" procured this from. needs to be found
Sounds like a 2c for sure. The sharp pain is a good indicator, as many 2cs are often reported as the most painful pure drug to snort out there, often rated more painful than (pure) meth and other things normally considered quite painful.