Umphrey's McGee \mm/


Jan 24, 2022
Surpisingly haven't seen much discussion on these boys on BL. I guess this is my way of casting my line out in hope of finding someone to nerd out with 🤓.

Even if they aintcha cup of tea you gotta admit Jake 'sith lord' Cinninger is one face melting mafucka! We all know Trey is a jedi but I implore you to give into the dark side...

Also, who in their right mind doesn't wanna see Kris Myers naked? Am I right?!

This is a tough one that I've given years of thought to... Fuck Kris, marry Jake, kill andy. Ideally you would form a thrupple with Jake and Bayliss, then you got Stasik on speed dial for all the duties that a good mistress can fulfill. Boom.

Rage, rest, repeat my friends.🍻
Saw them play live in Amsterdam '08 at Jam in the Dam festival

was awesome until I blacked out from eating too many shrooms and had to leave

maybe you can help me remember one of their songs, driving me nuts, I think it's called "Alice" or something, or talking about a girl named Alice in the lyrics. Might have been a cover, not sure.
Saw them play live in Amsterdam '08 at Jam in the Dam festival

was awesome until I blacked out from eating too many shrooms and had to leave

maybe you can help me remember one of their songs, driving me nuts, I think it's called "Alice" or something, or talking about a girl named Alice in the lyrics. Might have been a cover, not sure.
Alex's House would be my guess. Heres the set list from that year. is a data nerds wet dream. When I'm feeling especially manic before an upcoming show I'll find myself trying to calculate the percentage of an 'All in Time' 1st set opener vs a 2nd set closer based on how many times it's been played and how long it's been since the last occurence 🤣. You can even pull up some sexy graphs to stare at. Shout out to r/dataisbeautiful, where I discovered this site long ago.
That must be it, thanks. Sounds different than what I remember but hey it's a jam band every time it's different. Thank!