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UK - Peter Lilley: MPs who took drugs have 'disabled' their brains


Aug 31, 2010

By Tim Ross, Political Correspondent
8:00PM GMT 07 Feb 201

MPs who experimented with cannabis and other drugs in their youth “do not seem to have recovered”, a former Tory Cabinet minister has claimed.

Peter Lilley, who was social security secretary in John Major’s government, said he was a “moralist” on drugs. His comments, in an interview with the House magazine, follow calls from a committee of MPs for decriminalisation of drugs to be given “significantly closer consideration”. Mr Lilley, the MP for Hitchin and Harpenden, told the magazine that it was “immoral” to take drugs or drink too much alcohol. “I'm a total moralist on drugs. I hate the idea of getting stoned or drunk or anything,” he said. “God gave us a mind and a conscience and drugs effectively disable both your mind and your conscience.


DM Version with reader comments
Damn, I didn't know that is how it works!

Somehow my disabled brain managed to get a PhD after having used drugs many thousands of times (and it even wrote big portions of my dissertation while stoned or on LSD or mescaline).

God gave us a mind and a conscience and drugs effectively disable both your mind and your conscience.
WTF? That is not what drugs do. Maybe this guy should take some drugs to find out how wrong he is!

Always trust a politician to tell you "the way it is" :|
I suppose, by his reckoning, the drugs alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and prescription medicines are given by God and don't "disable both your mind and your conscience". What a tool!

I wonder why the Telegraph chose not to allow reader comments in this particular article.

What a poor joint.
Not even gonna be a single skinner with that little bud in it.
WTF? That is not what drugs do. Maybe this guy should take some drugs to find out how wrong he is!

No kidding. I've found that, if anything, cannabis amplifies my conscience. If I feel only slightly bad about something I did or said, after smoking a hit or two I'll be practically freaking out over it. It "gets to the point." In fact, if I run out of real things to feel bad about, my mind will start picking at all sorts of tinier issues. But it's all dose-dependent.


What a poor joint.

Shit, that pinner would devastate me if I smoked it in one sitting.