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UK - Can a drug make you tell the truth?


Aug 31, 2010
BBC News

3 October 2013 Last updated at 01:13

In movies and TV dramas, sodium thiopental is shown as a sinister truth serum used to get information out of captured people. Michael Mosley tried it out. One of the great challenges of living in our society is knowing when people are telling the truth or not. We lie all the time and are remarkably bad at detecting when other people are deliberately deceiving us. There are lots of urban myths about lie detecting, such as the claim that liars tend to look away, twitch their feet or touch their noses when lying (the so-called Pinocchio effect). In study after study, it has been shown that professionals such as policemen are no more reliable at detecting liars than the rest of us. So it's not surprising that for many years scientists have been working to develop "truth drugs" - drugs that will make you open up and tell all you know to an interrogator. One of the oldest and best known of these truth drugs is sodium thiopental. Although it was first developed in the 1930s, it is still used today in a range of settings, including, in some countries, by the police and the military.

I was given another slightly larger dose of sodium thiopental and this time I actually felt more sober, more in control. So what happened next was a complete surprise. Again Dr Leech asked me my name and my profession. This time there was no hesitation.

Try to lie on a large dose of mushrooms or LSD or MDMA or DMT. Not happenin'.
Pentathol, I think you'll find... he says, being a semantic bastard! ;)

I agree, it's impossible to lie on MDMA, especially if you're lying about being on MDMA Hahahahah! =D
Sodium Amytal is it's name. Amobarbital, to be specific about this particular drug. It was used in interrogations during "Sodium Amytal Interviews" and would render subjects unable to really know what they were being questioned about, leading to them blabbering incoherently. But during this blabbering, some little tidbits of information would blurt out and this information was garnered and was then used in a courtroom as legal evidence.

Such thing doesn't happen nowadays, but it did a long time ago.

Pentothal (specifically Thiopental) is a thiobarbiturate, an anesthetic that is still used to this day.
Does anybody remember that experiment the army did in the 50's or 60's were they were experimenting with mda as a truth serum? They injected some guy with 500mgs and he died.
I have a book called "Acid Dreams". It`s mostly about the history of the CIA and LSD. In it they mention a method where people were kept in a "twilight" state by having a IV running into one arm with amphetamines and another IV running into the other arm with a depressant. CIA doctors would go back and forth injecting the uppers and downers in a kind of tight rope walk in hopes of making a truth serum.

Once they found out about LSD they thought they discovered the ultimate truth telling agent.

In another chapter the author mentions the death of a test subject due to a massive MDA overdose.
I've read to get around this spies will just start hardcore living their cover story as if it was true so fact and fiction are blurred. Don't know how true that is though.
I've been put under probably ~10 times with Propofol - "milk of amnesia". The whole "truth serum" thing really starts to break down after you learn to master keeping your mouth shut when under the influence.

It worked as a truth serum the first 2-3 times I've had it used on me, but since then I speak only when I feel like I'm no longer out of it. My mom in particular used to pester me with questions when I was young and I simply wouldn't respond until I felt lucid enough to.

Spy career in the future?
Try to even talk on a large dose of mushrooms or LSD or MDMA or DMT 8(

Yeah, but try getting me to focus on a series of questions when high on shrooms or dmt. I'm just gonna keep goin on about wolves in the grain of my hardwood floor or how I feel like Poseidon when showering.