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TV radicalisation - the real menace in the west

As an older person, I worry about this (the fear mongering and the fear ingesting/internalizing) quite a bit--not so much for myself but for my children and their children. I grew up with the first generation of TV watching families. Those of us that came of age then had grown up with such deep fears of nuclear annihilation as very young children and then with the publication of Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring we were the first generation to live with the knowledge of a poisoned planet. What this level of fear does to the developing psyche--individual and collective--is profound. As young people stepping into the adult world we wanted to tear down the fear machine and we went at it with a euphoric vengeance. We relearned what our grandparents had forgotten about growing food and stewarding land, we tried to pry the ideas of ownership and inequality from our sexual relationships, we tried to move beyond the religions we had been raised with to a more authentic spirituality centered in our own place in the web of life, to exchange beliefs for understanding. We opened our eyes to the manipulation of the media and confronted everything from beauty ideals to racial and gender stereotypes. So what happened to this generation of peace warriors who now live in big bloated energy-hogging houses and feed their grandchildren organic snacks from corporate stores and sit glued to their screens like everyone else? We learned what it means to be truly manipulated. We learned that what we saw outside of us--when we turned off the TV and really saw the world for ourselves--also lived inside us. We had eaten a steady diet of the monster and we could not face that we ourselves were a part of the monster. So, the fear of the monster outside (the monster being the fear-mongering war machine of greed) became a fear of the self (an inability to face the fear and greed in ourselves). Seekers turned to hungry ghosts. All the ideals commodified and sold back to us the now willing buyers. Spiritual exploration turned to hedonistic self-gratification. This is what I think about these days--how we took that very real and earnest and pure energy and squandered it because we did not go deep enough or far enough into ourselves. We did not fully understand the depth in which we had been indoctrinated and we placed our trust in changing the systems outside of ourselves.

So here are my questions to all the young people in this conversation: how do you confront the deep fear and greed in yourselves? How do separate self-justification from self-compassion? How do you distinguish between what is an outside source of fear and easily identifiable and what is your own fearsome shadow?

I find that getting rid of my TV (since the 70's) is a rather moot point these days. I end up watching clips online or then going to read about something further I am taken into a world of complete bias via blogs, youtube videos etc. Sometimes I feel that it is impossible for me to get information that is not through the filter that I have aligned myself with consciously or unconsciously. We live in a polarized world in which we each feed our worst fears. I no longer believe anything I see in a film or a photograph when all can be doctored according to what the bias of the presenter wants to prove. How do we humans stay human, and by human I mean connected to each other, when trust in each other has been so profoundly eroded? If we all simply did not trust our governments this would be a clear fight; but we no longer trust anything including ourselves. I think this is the question of our time and I am awaiting the next big wave of humanist revolution. I was pretty hopeful about Occupy but then I felt like I was watching my young students at school whose attention spans have most certainly changed over my 30 years of teaching.8(
Good post and thoughtful.

We can connect again by making sure we do personal and small things. Help that woman with her shopping bags, pass along your unexpired parking ticket to someone pulling in, smile when someone meets your eyes.

We can shop local not at the corporate supermarkets, so our money helps someone who lives nearby and doesn't go to corporate money-suckers at the top of the pyramid.

When Victoria got hit hard by fires in 2009, the Red Cross, who normally had about 15,000 blood donors per month, got 13,000 per day - they were still clearing the backlog of donations 8 months later. Donations of food, clothing and other goods were so great they had radio and TV announcements asking people to stop donating.

My wife and I made it a point to go into the burned areas after and buy things at any shops that were opened. We'd have lunch in pubs or cafés just to give back some of what they had lost in a manner that wasn't outright charity.

We can fight back against the BS we are being programmed with, just by doing the little things.
Noone1 says
I'm wondering what the hell is wrong with you people. Are you emotionally retarded in some way so you just believe the opposite of whatever the mainstream story is no matter how plausible it is? They Phoned the warehouse where the hostage takers would answer who do you think would answer? The 9/11 passports where found amidst many, many other papers. Paper is actually more likely to survive a plane crash than other things due to physics so it doesn't seem unlikely. You can see a myriad of papers from the WTC strewn about the streets after the explosion. This bears out through out history if you follow up on plane crash histories. This is why there is no outrage about some hidden conspiracy, rather because it's bullshit. You couldn't keep something this big bottled up the bigger a conspiracy is the harder it is to keep under wraps.

Yes noone1, and in and amongst all,the other papers they found (and I wish to God I was joking) was a copy of the Koran and a sheaf of A4 documents called 'How to fly a plane' whilst the steel girders all around just melted? Please, please, please don't tell me you find these FBI 'finds' plausible. Is it just me. Is it me going bananas?
So here are my questions to all the young people in this conversation: how do you confront the deep fear and greed in yourselves? How do separate self-justification from self-compassion? How do you distinguish between what is an outside source of fear and easily identifiable and what is your own fearsome shadow?

How do we humans stay human, and by human I mean connected to each other, when trust in each other has been so profoundly eroded? If we all simply did not trust our governments this would be a clear fight; but we no longer trust anything including ourselves.

I'm 27/m. I think what started in the 60's, which was a symptom of a deep need to realign ourselves, has yet to reach it's conclusion in the social domain, and beyond. It stemmed from a rejection of values and institutions that were perceived to be irrelevant or outdated by modern understanding.. or intuitive understanding from drug and culture use. But look what happened.. the pendulum swung from moral conservatism to sexual liberation and a pleasure orgy.. which is now manifested in the boomers children's generation (mine) as a youth culture absolutely materially obsessed, obsessed with drugs, sex and general pleasure. The pendulum has to swing back the other again because it is clear we've made a grievous mistake and our moral compass has become totally disorientated through blind belief in the neutrality of drug, sex, and material culture obsession.

I don't see too many people in my generation honestly confronting things. Either they're materially obsessed and following the "normal" life pattern, or they're breaking away in to one of many sub-cultures in order to escape.. but even those in the rave/hippy/spiritual sub-cultures, those who like to display themselves as more "in tune", tend to still be greatly tangled up in drug use or crazy sexual escapades.

I think it's all going to come to a head soon. We're primed for a new kind of religion and morality that places the individual, family, friends and community at the center of importance in our lives in a way that hasn't been seen before.
It's not at all difficult to see how the 60's movements were subverted, quite deliberately. It wasn't entirely the fault of the Boomers that they got sideswiped and pushed off their track. They were a generation more innocent than now and TV and other media campaigned strongly against the new world they were trying for.

There's a very sophisticated and corrupt machinery that dates back a long way past the 60's and enthusiasm and altruism didn't really stand much chance against the machinations of those who could manipulate the general population to step away from the young.

This was the time of Dr Spcok (no, not the Star Trek guy :D) and the beginning of the demolition of family by getting everyone to drop the idea of discipline and limits for children - within a decade we began having serious issues with teens as they lashed out at lives that had little meaning. Children NEED boundaries and if we don't provide them they just keep pushing further.

And all along, TV has become more sophisticated in pushing in past the conscious mind and implanting desires and values that were never originally part of our cultures. Originally Japanese goods were sneered at for being cheap and nasty - if you had to buy Japanese you were clearly at the low end of the money scale. Japanese goods got much better, but our tastes were reprogrammed for the gaudy and 'ooh, Shiny!' and the idea of buying quality was replaced with cheap shit that lasts one month longer than the warranty - Planned Obsolescence should have been made a capital crime.

The generation today (is it Y? Z?) has, (and yes, this is a generalisation) little in the way of a moral compass because they look at their elders and see people who preach and don't practice. Religion is fake preaching to people who go out and perform, every week, the exact things they just asked forgiveness for and Science is so corrupted by funding we cannot trust the results we get told.

And all along the 'ooh, Shiny!' is rammed down our throats accompanied by naked bodies and driving beat to ensure we don't actually THINK about what is being shown.
Noone1 says
I'm wondering what the hell is wrong with you people. Are you emotionally retarded in some way so you just believe the opposite of whatever the mainstream story is no matter how plausible it is? They Phoned the warehouse where the hostage takers would answer who do you think would answer? The 9/11 passports where found amidst many, many other papers. Paper is actually more likely to survive a plane crash than other things due to physics so it doesn't seem unlikely. You can see a myriad of papers from the WTC strewn about the streets after the explosion. This bears out through out history if you follow up on plane crash histories. This is why there is no outrage about some hidden conspiracy, rather because it's bullshit. You couldn't keep something this big bottled up the bigger a conspiracy is the harder it is to keep under wraps.

Yes noone1, and in and amongst all,the other papers they found (and I wish to God I was joking) was a copy of the Koran and a sheaf of A4 documents called 'How to fly a plane' whilst the steel girders all around just melted? Please, please, please don't tell me you find these FBI 'finds' plausible. Is it just me. Is it me going bananas?

I think you may be joking, mixed up or playing gullible TBH. ;)

The only source I can find for that isn't even for that. Its about a copy of the Koran, some instructions on how to fly a plane and a fuel calculator, being found IN A CAR at Logan airport. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1581063.stm Furthermore, I can't find much about the FBI making these claims at all. Even so, I can still imagine very plausible reasons for the existence of these items, but I can't really explain your claims above...

Have you gotten things a bit confused perhaps?
Yes, apologies the Koran and how to fly a plane papers etc not found at ground zero but in an abandoned car at some airport. I can see how the way I wrote that that the para would be misleading. No deliberate intent to mislead intended just listing a few of the crap clues found by US ntelligence experts. The whole thing stinks of a setup.
Here's a nice aerial before the facade collapses - be right curious as to where all this debris you're so angry about might be? Engines perhaps - they're something like 10 ft in diameter and pretty solid objects?


Could you perhaps point out the gouge marks the engines would have left as the fuselage hit the building at ground floor level?

What you are demonstrating is the process via which TV radicalises and cements opinion. People see it as the factual medium - after all, you can SEE it, (whatever 'it' is) but the truth is for 30 years or more they been able to lie to us almost in real time.

Pretty poor photo to be asking me to point out specific damage on.

You seen the aftermath of when the bomber hit the empire state building in the 40's? Small hole, wing marks barely visible, etc etc.

You can see the remains of wreckage and building bowels to the left of hole on the photos

I've seen better pics before.

And the witnesses that all saw a plane? The witnesses that saw plane parts strewn throughout the building? The missing plane? The missing people? etc etc

Tell me why would an extremely powerful body capable of flying two passenger planes into two skyscrapers in the middle of new york city decide to use a missile for the pentagon instead? You know.. Steal the plane without raising suspicion, kidnap all passengers on board and.. make them disappear, fake phone calls, fake air traffic conversations, etc etc..

Why not just fly the plane into the damn building?

I'm not demonstrating that at all.. I'm fully away the shit they stream through TVs is intended to manipulate people.. whether it's distracting them from the real world or focussing on certain things with a certain agenda, missing important information and telling half truths.

I'm demonstrating the ability to think logically and rationally about it. Like I said.. I used to buy the conspiracy theories.. their impressive shouty questions and "facts".. The no plane theory is one of the dumbest, though.
Pretty poor photo to be asking me to point out specific damage on.

You seen the aftermath of when the bomber hit the empire state building in the 40's? Small hole, wing marks barely visible, etc etc.

You can see the remains of wreckage and building bowels to the left of hole on the photos

I've seen better pics before.

And the witnesses that all saw a plane? The witnesses that saw plane parts strewn throughout the building? The missing plane? The missing people? etc etc

Tell me why would an extremely powerful body capable of flying two passenger planes into two skyscrapers in the middle of new york city decide to use a missile for the pentagon instead? You know.. Steal the plane without raising suspicion, kidnap all passengers on board and.. make them disappear, fake phone calls, fake air traffic conversations, etc etc..

Why not just fly the plane into the damn building?

I'm not demonstrating that at all.. I'm fully away the shit they stream through TVs is intended to manipulate people.. whether it's distracting them from the real world or focussing on certain things with a certain agenda, missing important information and telling half truths.

I'm demonstrating the ability to think logically and rationally about it. Like I said.. I used to buy the conspiracy theories.. their impressive shouty questions and "facts".. The no plane theory is one of the dumbest, though.

Pretty poor photo to be asking me to point out specific damage on.
You seen the aftermath of when the bomber hit the empire state building in the 40's? Small hole, wing marks barely visible, etc etc.
You can see the remains of wreckage and building bowels to the left of hole on the photos
I've seen better pics before.
And the witnesses that all saw a plane? The witnesses that saw plane parts strewn throughout the building? The missing plane? The missing people? etc etc
Tell me why would an extremely powerful body capable of flying two passenger planes into two skyscrapers in the middle of new york city decide to use a missile for the pentagon instead? You know.. Steal the plane without raising suspicion, kidnap all passengers on board and.. make them disappear, fake phone calls, fake air traffic conversations, etc etc..
Why not just fly the plane into the damn building?
I'm not demonstrating that at all.. I'm fully away the shit they stream through TVs is intended to manipulate people.. whether it's distracting them from the real world or focussing on certain things with a certain agenda, missing important information and telling half truths.
I'm demonstrating the ability to think logically and rationally about it. Like I said.. I used to buy the conspiracy theories.. their impressive shouty questions and "facts".. The no plane theory is one of the dumbest, though.
I'm not sure why you can't point out the debris, gouge marks and more in that picture - according to both you and the official tales, there should be stuff scattered far and wide. Yet we see nothing... UNTIL the facade collapses. Again, where are the engines? There is nothing in the plane or the Pentagon that could burn hot enough to even seriously damage the engines, let alone make them vanish.

Why not "just fly the plane into the damn building?" Maybe because it would be almost impossible to do so - the cushion effect is real, the path in is anomalous in that the 'plane' appears to have hit standing poles and done no damage nor left debris, even though we have plane collisions on record that show extensive damage from minor collisions while taxiing.

The inability to accept the situation is one of the most powerful weapons in the toolbox of the neo-cons. I've lost count of how many times I've heard or read that, "but they couldn't do such a thing!" - like it's OK to believe bin Laden could but somehow the evil bastards screwing the world for their personal gain are somehow morally incapable of killing people for that gain.

Look at things this way - how do you get non-fanatics to take over a plane and ram it into a building? Answer is, you don't. You take over the planes and take them somewhere else and ram remote-controlled planes into the buildings. And that's even IF planes were used - there is some evidence that suggests maybe there were none.

The witnesses can easily be planted, primed to make appropriate comments when the time comes. There were quite a few comments right in the early stages by people describing the planes in ways that are not compatible with American Airlines. While we talk about witnesses, how about firefighters who heard the explosions in the buildings before they came down? How about the people talking about the explosions from lower floors before the collapsing floors got anywhere near the lower floors? What about the witnesses around the Pentagon who claim the plane flew a completely different flight path into the Pentagon area and who claim it flew OVER the Pentagon, not into it?

The planes themselves performed manoeuvres even professional pilots of those planes say they could not do and the evidence suggests the 2 planes hitting the towers would have self-destructed following the 'official' flight paths. And these are pilots who have thousands of hours in those exact craft who absolutely refuse to believe people who barely passed their light plane tests could ever get a large plane to fly level, let alone perform aerobatics that should have torn the wings off.

We can't even be sure people died in either the planes or the buildings; it is certainly within the capabilities of the US intel/military and Govt to build completely fictitious persons and provide them with all the documentation and more.
This is an interesting watch for those who might be interested in how TV reports things.
I agree, the medium has become little more than a lubricant for the wheels and cogs of the economic engines of the world. The methods of psychological entrainment that are utilized through it, have been
polished and refined to the point of transparency for the average viewer. News broadcasts are particularly vile in this regard, both through an agenda of sensationalism, and the complete abandonment of
any ethical reporting standards that may have once existed. Personally I have not had a television for decades, I found it to be a complete waste of time and money even back then.

The internet is intrinsically resistant to these manipulative techniques, but as time passes more subtle and sophisticated methods are being employed. At least at this point it is still possible to get on and rail against the darkness somewhere ;).

Ultimately we all still have imagination and creativity, using these we can mentally move in unpredictable directions, or with a few enhancements..Hyper-jump to completely new dimensions of thought. Something that drives the bastards absolutely crazy heheh.
The internet is intrinsically resistant to these manipulative techniques, but as time passes more subtle and sophisticated methods are being employed. At least at this point it is still possible to get on and rail against the darkness somewhere ;).

There was a time when YouTube was great for video collages and inspirational content. Now stuff gets flagged up for copyright all the time and I've had this problem with my video's. I don't make any money off of them in any way, I never wanted to.. but apparently using film/documentary footage in video mashup's designed to inspire people towards something better is.. bad.

The quality stuff is not happening like it used to on youtube.. it's basically becoming another corporate wankfest and a place for video's of narcissistic people, or mentally ill people, doing inane pointless stuff. The heads of the entertainment indsutry don't like people using their stuff in a creative fashion for monetary reasons, though a part of me thinks they're being urged to pursue this by more powerful forces..

Creativity and inspiration is kryptonite to the darkness that casts its shadow over mankind.