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Stimulants trouble with my sniffer

Snort likehell

Dec 31, 2016
hello everyone. I have a stupid question that I'd like a lil info on. Im a experienced close friend with Tina and we been together off and on for about 3 years. I always follow my nose if u get my drift. I recently noticed a lil issue. When I'm ready for an adventure I hold one nostril as one for always breath out all my air before I go as I always thought that would solve any issue with unwanted flying debris and waste. Ive always sniffed my way through any adventure no matter what it was n my supply at the time. Been doin that for a very long time. So I'm no newbie to this at all. I noticed last night that I had some shiny lil flocked n random place around my place and clothes n car. Pretty much anyplace I have been. Not a lot at all but enough for a tweaked to notice and spend 5 hours with a flashlight inspecting everything lol. It was fun but it made me pay more attention to my next dose and I observed as I held a nostril and blew out as always I inhaled hard as usual but as I was taking it n hard some blew off at the same time. Not much at all just a few flakes of my sidekick. I was just wondering if anyone else ever ran on I this and why am I just now after a 20 year drug experiment with lots of research do I have this newbie issue. Maybe it would b clear to me alone but I'm on day three (my last day as always before break ) and I need a lil outside view on this. Thanks for any help. Plz dot b an asshole I'm just looking for a few good ideas. Thanks a lot.
Well, that is really bizarre! I kinda wish I could hone in on things that specific - but I'm thinking it's best I don't - I can just see myself tweaking around the house with a roll of tape or something trying to save it! Yes, I fixate too!
So, the only reason I can really see is if you were walking around holding a bag with a little hole in it? A sneeze or exhale would only cover a certain area I would think. I get into a project when I'm tweaking, or find myself with an overwhelming desire to locate something - be it an object or information - and I'm off! I've literally googled the same thing for hours, rephrased in every way I could think of, I have rearranged furniture numerous times - and damn it, some people get so mad! I mean, I was only trying to help . . . hahahha, j/k - it was my furniture, but I have moved it around as many as 3 or 4 times in the same day! I have painted the bathroom as well as several canvases - What I am trying to say is I get that same dogged determination to achieve something, and run with it until I actually get tired out, or get distracted and onto a new subject.
I can honestly say one thing about it all though! After I finally come down enough to take a warm bath, eat something and sleep, upon waking it never matters anywhere near as much! And thank goodness for that!
lol I wasn't trying to save it. Just couldn't resist finding every single particle. I have no idea how that happened. It was even on my food inside the fridge. Wtf. I left one line out for about a day and didn't notice any real weight change. I just was tweeted out and noticed all the tiny lil sparkles no matter where I looked. I never ever even set my stuff down except one place and I'm soooo careful never to spill anything. It sounds weird but I lie the lil projects I do while high especially on day two lol. I spent 5-6 hours downloaded two magnifying apps with light and set off on a mission. I forced myself to stop long enough to go to work. Once there I had to check all the stuff around me just to see. Am guess what. It's there too only n my spot. Lil tiny sparkling wonders. I made damn sure to blow off or wipe away anything that might b noticed. Not that anyone but a tweaker would notice tiny particles of shimmering fun. Lol
I'm not trying to call you a liar. I mean I truly believe you see cocaine. But this to me sounds like a psychosis symptom from cocaine. Cocaine causes a large increase in dopamine which is in addition to euphoria involved in motivation, delusions, and focus. A logically brain might say "these specs look like cocaine but most chemicals look like cocaine and chemicals make up everything therefore, it's likely not cocaine" but with a ton of cocaine it might go "wow I want more of this. This looks like that. Therefore, particles must be coming from my nose"
I'm not trying to call you a liar. I mean I truly believe you see cocaine. But this to me sounds like a psychosis symptom from cocaine. Cocaine causes a large increase in dopamine which is in addition to euphoria involved in motivation, delusions, and focus. A logically brain might say "these specs look like cocaine but most chemicals look like cocaine and chemicals make up everything therefore, it's likely not cocaine" but with a ton of cocaine it might go "wow I want more of this. This looks like that. Therefore, particles must be coming from my nose"

i wasn't talking about coke I meant ice. That's y the lil shiny stuff stood out to me. U could b right I been down that road before but if that's true it's was 100x worse the last time. I magnified em just to see if I was just seeing shit or if it was why I thought it was. Sure looked like my stuff to me. Either way I always stop at this point at the very latest so I should b back to normal n a couple days. I like talking about the experience too. It's unique an interesting at least for a few minutes lol. I just chalk up weird things like that to a good ride and the right time for a break. Sorry if I came across defensive. I didn't mean to sound that way at all. Hell im just glad somebody game some insight at all within two weeks. lol
O it was amphetamine ya man I dont gamble but I'd bet my nuts that is methamphetamine psychosis. What you experience is extremely common I do chemistry and I have fell into this many time. I'll be cleaning a dish and still see chemicals on it. Clean it again it still seem like it has chemicals on it. I don't think you where hallucinating I think it is just a error in cognition. When I take a lot of amphetamine I'll be more likely to be convinced precipated powder for is for example if caffeine is the target chemical is caffeine even with strong evidence it doesn't have the properties of caffeine. Or washing my hands I'll still see little chemical crystals. Or I'll be paranoid and see nicotine everywhere.
That's exactly what it was like for me. That wasn't to bad tho. Ive experienced a LOT worse the past. I am glad I didn't go further. I learned a whole bank that day three for me is time to let it fizzle out and rest up. I am bipolar and I gotta watch my mental condition during fun adventures. Got a good nights sleep last night took my meds and ate. Feeling great today. Thanks for ur imput man. I'm glad to kno it was my head. I thought the weirdest part was that scrubbing like hell and still having lil particles still there all over. Didn't make sense scientifically at all. I have 2 degrees and consider myself pretty smart and if something is virtually impossible I gotta figure out the reason behind it. I do the same at work. I run heavy equipment most days and I always figure my inclined angles and how gravity will react if I climb hills at certain angles. Anyway have a great new year and thanks a lot.
No need to use bold letters and please say meth instead of Tina..

And yes, sounds like stimulant psychosis
If you are bipolar I would say that definitely increases your risk of developing these symptoms. The tricky part is it is much more complicated then what most people think like visual hallucinations seeing things that arent there. Stimulant psychosis can cause many symptoms like that of mania. For example, I lost my razor and instead of thinking I misplaced it I immediately thought "someone has taken my razor!". This is clearly unlikely because I know logically I was the only one in my room. So my next thought is "I went to the bathroom they MUST have came in then to steal my razor". Its similar to the cognitive errors I saw people with bipolar or schizophrenia in out patient therapy talk about just they typically had it much worse.