Tribulus Terrestris - Do You Use It?


Nov 27, 2002
Do you use it? Is it really that good?

Which do you prefer, Bulgarian, Chinese or Indian or do you prefer using Protodioscin (The actual chemical in Tribulus Terrestris that causes it's testosterone effects)?

From what I've read the Bulgarian is meant to be alot better! I've not read much on Protodioscin, yet.
tribulus and other natural test boosters are trash...with the exception of some OTC AI's

you need exogenous anabolics/androgens for an edge..
^you know 6-oxo, novedex, etc. There was some other good one that had like several different AIs I forgot what it was.

Although I should say each time I've bought them I didn't get that much from it. Maybe the next two days or so I felt some endurance in running or benchpress where I could just be serious and calmly do lots of weight. And I completely repressed any feeling of pain or tiredness which was very cool. But this feeling faded quickly in less than a week and overall by the time the supplement ended it wouldn't really have done much.
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I'm pretty much the only one on this board who likes Trib. I feel it's a great, cheap addition to your supplement line. Especially in high doses.

I notice increased energy and libido. I'm pretty sure it raises my T levels because it does unfortunately cause me to break out a little bit on my neck.

There's still the debate on whether you need to take any type of AI after tribulus. I don't deem it necessary, but I do cycle the tribulus on and off.

Optimum Nutrition's Bulgarian btw..i'll get back on doseage but I beleive it's between 5-6 grams/day spread out.
It may be beneficial but its not worth the money imo....It definately won't drastically increase test levels.
Taking 5-6 grams of something is also a bit of a pain in the ass....

Most of the problem is theres very little factual evedince on this product. Does it increase test or LH levels? If so by how much? Is it suppresive? How does it effect other hormones and enzymes? etc
Taking 5-6 grams of something is also a bit of a pain in the ass....

Most of the problem is theres very little factual evedince on this product. Does it increase test or LH levels? If so by how much? Is it suppresive? How does it effect other hormones and enzymes? etc

each capsule contains 750 mg so it's not that difficult. 90 capsules for around $20USD. Not that bad man. If you'll send me the $$$ to go have before and after boodwork done, I'll go check up on that for sure ;)

But I agree with the poster above me. Libido/energy in the gym is where I do notice a difference.
ATD and 4-hydroxyandrostendione (which possesses anabolic properties in its own right) have a more pronounced effect on plasma testosterone, but also carry a few side-effects. They are both legally available...
It works well, I got some of the HH "gokshura" brand here. You won't notice it on 500mg per day. But it coming to end of shelf life so, I started doubling up and taking 4 capsules per day (1000mg). Get a slight fuzzy feeling in the scalp that is typical when taking stimulants also got increased energy, was able to walk 22 miles of exercise in ~3 days.