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Treat MXE like acid/shrooms


Jun 19, 2013
Ive been doing a decent amount of mxe recently, not much even with 4 people it took about 2 months to finish a gram. I noticed when i take mxe i think sooooo much about my life and everything about it. Well i had a good amount left and a fucked up scale, i tried to weigh out .1g but my shitty scale wasnt working right. So as an experienced drug user i did what anyone would, shoved the rest in my mouth. All of it was supposed to be that .1 but even when i poured clearly more than .1 the scale didnt read it so i have no clue the actual dose i took. It sure looked like much more than id ever tried.

Now like i said before im experienced in this shit, to the point where i do drugs like this in bad set and setting and turn it into a beautiful trip when things calm down. And this has literally worked for every drug ive ever taken, ride it out and dont fall into a negativity hole and you'll be fine. But with MXE, its gonna happen no matter what. You will be so objective that you will look at your entire life and character and reconsider how you do things.

For me it got me on bipolar. This compound is supposed to and had in the past have antidepressant qualities. But when you do strong doses things get much different. I actually had a life changing trip that was amazing, but it left me feeling like a fish in the sea, after realizing a lot of things about me. I mean a small fish, compared to sharks and swordfish. This mixed in with the reality that im breaking too many lawns and my entire lifestyle is terrible led to a very depressing after glow. It really started on the comedown, when it was 3am and i ran out of desire to listen to music, and had almost nothing to do. I lied in bed for 8ish hours barely watching tv mostly thinking about shit. I havent had suicidal thoughts in months, but after doing mxe theyve come back in full force. I feel terrible, irritiable, depressed, sad, and im constantly on the verge of crying. Id like to say the trip was worth it but i dont think anything is more important than mental health.

And off that note, mxe will make you obsess over important life events so if you have something to do before taking it i suggest not tripping till its done/your at peace with it.

I made this thread because a lot of people use mxe irresponsibly since its "benign" and versatile. It can carry the same risks as acid or shrooms, you should approach it the same way. And just because its always worked doesnt mean it will always work. Never forget good tripping principles. DONT take any of these drugs alone until you are comfortable that your mind can handle them. You have to be extremely smart and experienced with this stuff to pull off crazy solo trips. Lots of self coaching. If you have mental illness, you probably are like me and use drugs to help. Any drug that is known for actually interacting with serotonin receptors should be avoided at all costs. Dissociatives in general are horrible when your manic, even though you feel amazing yoy turn into a dumbass and feel like doing stupid things.

BTW its been about 16 hours since dosing orally and i still feel kinda fucked up. I got no sleep last night whatsoever.
Interesting to come back on your own reports with new knowledge. I think part of what happened was I had a hard time accepting what i found from the trip. Like i said in the post one thing i learned from the trip was i was doing a lot of bad things. It was like god talked to me and told me to slow down and approach life differently. I didnt take his advice well enough though a month later i got robbed at gunpoint. Now im reading this and seeing what I said was true, and now I want to say i think MXE should get some attention as a psychedelic, for insight/self exploration purposes. I do think the mxe changed my brain, and for a few months up to now (my semester at college) i had issues with getting my brain to work right. Its repaired itself i think and im a lot wiser and more capable than i used to be. That sad feeling i think was burn out, as a bipolar person with probably other stuff i took a huge enough dose to fuck with my brain chemistry. I was probably just low on dopamine/serotonin or something
I can definitely relate to what you described, only with a different substance (LSD instead of MXE). I've been grinding my brain on a pretty regular basis with LSD and the "afterglows" have switched from amazing hypomanic positive states to vaguely sinister, depressive states on the comedowns, with protracted periods of difficult introspection on the days following trips. I'm beginning to think that taking good, (at least) month long breaks in between trips will be better for me.

I didn't get much introspection the one time I did have a gram of MXE in my possession, it was more of a really insane drug "trip" without much lasting after effects or any introspection at all. It was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life, honestly (but I have essentially no experience with dissociative drugs, so...). It really wasn't all that enjoyable, though, just strange and disorienting. After the first couple of initial experiences I literally gave the rest away to whoever wanted a line of powder...if nothing else it provided me with a lot of entertainment just to see people's reactions to it.
I see this as wonderful insghts!
use this insight
we indeed do a lot of bad things, and you have the chance to be able to see it from another perspective and apply changes. most people dont even realize the bad things they do everyday.

Be your own coach, talk to this stubborn mind of yours! after a while, it will begin to see that the changes he so reluctantly wanted to avoid and saw as boring, he will see that what you show him is much more <<fun>> and purifying.
People use MXE irresponsibly and will continue to do so regardless of warnings. That is part people's stupidity and part of what the drug brings. In regard to individual trips I think psychedelics should still be treated with much more respect than dissociatives. Perhaps that is due to my massive tolerance to dissociatives that I underestimate their potential, but I have really always felt that way. Over the long-run though I would say reckless use of dissociatives is much more of a danger. Psychedelic binges can be harmful, but in general psychedelics are much, much more self-regulating.
MXE is a very very hedonistic substance. I don't know what it is about dissociatives I like so much but after you've developed a liking for dissos its not too hard to end up abusing the fuck out of them. And like with every drug - the magic will be gone soon.
completely disagree. i treat dissociatives as narcotics (like an upper or downer) because they always hit the spot, set and setting is irrelevant. obviously don't do it if you have responsibilities to fulfill.
I love them too other than mxp. Occasional use is a great anti- depressant.
Sorry Treezy, i had to delete my ramblings.

For me personally, I feel there is much less psychological 'risk' involved with the use of dissociatives than with psychedelics.
You seem like a wise person. I hope you will feel better soon... that's all I have to say!
Sorry Treezy, i had to delete my ramblings.

For me personally, I feel there is much less psychological 'risk' involved with the use of dissociatives than with psychedelics.
This in a manner, besides the rambling, but hell I've done that somwhere so include that too! In a manner I find this true and untrue, it's truly hard to describe since both chemical classes will bring about latent mental disorders. I'll get more Into it when less fucked.
There is a comedown from MXE. It makes me feel clammy, like a frog, when I come down. The frog phase ain't that great. And I didn't feel happy after the last few trips like I did after the first few. Most of the time I say to myself "I hate my life". That's nothing new but I kind of liked my life for about a week or so when I first started using MXE. Apparently that phase wears off pretty quickly. Life seems pretty pointless to me right now. I don't want to kill myself though. I doubt if I could ever actually do that unless I had a dread disease or lost my legs or something. It just seems so nihilistic and gruesome to kill yourself. There's really no non-gruesome way to do it. It also goes against every fiber of my being, since survival is a srong basic instinct.

Besides, if I kill myself I'll definitely be sent back to earth again and be forced to live another life. That may happen anyway but there's a slight chance that I may be able to stay in the afterlife forever if I grunt life out to the bitter end. If it's not your appointed time to die God will just say "you must go back, it's not your time". And if your body is beyond returning to then you will be put into a drab holding area to shuffle around aimlessly with other suiciders until your natural dying time comes around if you had lived. They apparently can't fit you in over there before your appointed time. Sometimes you can also find yourself in a hellish realm or an alternate dimension. Just isn't worth the aggravation in the afterlife really. God also gets mad at people who kill themselves, apparently. He yelled at one person "if you fail one more time I will punish you with eternal hell" or something to that effect, I don't recall the exact wording. We all have our missions to complete in life, though we don't know what they are, and bailing out before they are completed has negative results. Probably not a great idea to tick God off.
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LOL I'm the opposite. I enjoy abusing the fuck out of psychedelics but I don't enjoy using dissociatives too often.