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May 20, 2024
Does anyone know, if it is safe to take 2-3 tramadol (50mg) daily, while also taking my Zoloft (50mg) every morning?
I'd cut (lower) the zoloft dose before taking tram because it's an snri. Try halfing the zoloft and 1 tram and see what happens.
Thanks for replying. I was just wondering if 2 or 3 trams with the Zoloft could cause serotonin syndrome. I just thought you’d have to take way more. But what do I know. That’s why I’m here.
If the doctor says it's O.K. Did the doctor you went to know your on both medications ? Because if he said nothing about any interactions then you'll be fine.
U should be ok but zolof will always make your tramadol less effective due to partial cyp2d6 inhibition. Your serotonine, noradrenaline and also dopamine will be elevated. And i advice to take tramadol at 100mg and 2 hours later 50mg. Or 50mg, after 30 min 50mg and after another hour 50mg.