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Harm Reduction Tracks, pill vs pharmaceutical?

Dec 8, 2019
I’m very familiar with shooting heroin& coke but I’m new to shooting oxy using a wheel filter , the only things I shoot nowadays is a tranquilizer which is pharmaceutical grade and and the mark is barely visible in two days and I just tried oxy for the first time last week using a micron filter which worked great the finished product was as clear as water but it seems to leave marks that are clearly visible a week later so I’m just asking is that normal ? I have a foot long scar tissue track on each arm from back in the day when I was doing dope but seeing tracks on my arm a week after the fact is totally not acceptable 😬
Damn. Tbh I IM things if I know they are very pure, never got an abscess, course I'm talking mainly about ketamine. Planning on IV Dilaudid next week. Now I'm double thinking
Hey @Just a little pinprick I totally respect what you're asking here, but I think it's going to be very difficult for us to give you anything solid to work with here. We can take some guesses and probably get pretty close to a cause for the scarring, but I don't think you'll do better than you already have got right now, which is knowing that the pills probably are more harmful to inject for some unknown reason. However, what else could it be other than some constituent of the pill? I'm gonna leave open, but I'm not sure if we can do anything helpful :(
Hey @Just a little pinprick I totally respect what you're asking here, but I think it's going to be very difficult for us to give you anything solid to work with here. We can take some guesses and probably get pretty close to a cause for the scarring, but I don't think you'll do better than you already have got right now, which is knowing that the pills probably are more harmful to inject for some unknown reason. However, what else could it be other than some constituent of the pill? I'm gonna leave open, but I'm not sure if we can do anything helpful :(
I don’t know what caused the mark to remain visible all week and it’s still visible today but I gave it another try yesterday ( different spot) and it’s barely visible today one day after so it was something I did last week that caused it….
Thank you