Too AAS or not to AAS while recovering from serious injury


Aug 11, 2013
I finally effed up and jacked myself up lifting heavy. Looks like I'll be out of commission for an extended period of time too. My question is should I stay on a TRT dose of test or should I take this time to clear out my system. Like I said, I won't be able to really work out for a long while, around 4 to 6 months AT LEAST. I don't want to lose all of my gains but I also don't want to get double depressed too. Off cycle bums me out and really brings on depression but cleaning out my system sounds healthy and good for me but I don't want to be depressed but but.... advice please. don't know what to do. :?
The opportunity (which is what I'd call it) to have 3-6 months without AAS is a good one, from which you will rebound very very well when you decide to go back on.

I would spend about a month to 6 weeks slowly tapering off AAS altogether at TRT-level doses or slightly less. A long taper should work quite effectively at preserving your gains. PCT if you want to, it may improve recovery, I personally don't like SERMs very much, and if you get depressed they may not be the best idea for you either.

Don't worry AT ALL about losing gains though. They come back so easily, it would be daft to get too worked up about it. Instead, focus on any other kind of physical activity you can - maybe running, boxing, martial arts/MMA, sports etc etc - and make the most of the opportunity to build your fitness (maybe you do already, but it's just a thought). You'll create a superior foundation from which to rebound when you start packing on the mass again and your heart will thank you.
Thanks CFC. I know you are right but I wish you weren't... I guess I just needed to hear what you said to kill the internal argument. Once I get close to my surgery date, I'll go clean. Thanks again.