(answered) To any of the mods, please read.


Oct 13, 2009
I don't want to come off as cranky or preachy. First though, I want to add that this site is filled with plenty of useful information revolving around harm reduction. Secondly, and this is the point of this post; There are a lot of new people (who sound like children, probably are under eighteen) who have been posting ridiculous and immature posts concerning things like "will I get high" or any other dick sizing type information. These kids are also posting under the acronym SWIM and others which is ridiculously annoying and shouldn't be allowed here. Please guys, do something about this. This site use to be respected and mature, don't let it slip into the hands of this newer generation who are obviously too clueless to even be using chemicals responsibly. Thank you guys, sorry to bitch.
it's only natural that you have certain age groups when it comes to asking about drugs. it should actually be encouraged because it educates drug users early. if someone who's 18 is posting, and someone who is 30, it's going to be completely different. there is no rule against being childish as long as you abide by the site rules. if someone is asking a question that could help them use drugs safer, it doesn't matter how it's asked. if it's in depth discussion about chemistry or pharmacology the nature of the thread would be more formal, and it would obviously attract a different set of people.

"swim" and variants are being eradicated to our best possible effort. we've even added that using such terminology is forbidden in our bluelight user agreement. again, we can't be too tough on people who use swim. in most cases people who use such terminology are jumping in from another forum, and they assume it's the same thing. some might actually be wary of using anything but swim because in their respective forum it's deemed an offense. i could for example point out that your thread is posted in the wrong section, despite you being a member since 2009. instead i wouldn't mention it, and move it to the appropriate forum. it's unwelcoming to be extremely tough on things that are essentially harmless. do they create more for us, yes. it's a small price to pay for not discouraging people from asking questions.

anonymous -> support
We can't control who registers here, if they really read the rules, and finally if the actually abide by said rules. All that we can control is how we handle these posts, and due to the large number of posts for the relatively small ratio of posts : mods we can always use the help of members in the form of reporting posts that break these rules.
Ok guys, I'm sorry to be so tough. Thank you for the responses and continue doing a great job.
Yeah the use of SWIM grates on me tbh. It makes threads/posts hard to read and thus makes me less inclined to read on and help out. That said, I don't think people use it because they think it'll actually provide them with any form of legal anonymity - they do so because most other drug forums that they've frequented in the past require them to do so, and so just assume the same applies to BL.

However, once it's pointed out to them by either a mod or member, they usually apologise and correct their post quite quickly. The mods are usually very quick to clamp down on its use and you can guarantee that within the first 2/3 posts of a newly created thread, either a mod or member will politely remind them that the use of SWIM is not permitted on BL and to have a quick read up on the rules.

It's not like new members are using it and mods are sitting back and doing nothing about it - they're usually very hot on their tail to eradicate its use - as they are with drug testing threads - which is also a repeat offender. Some mods even go to the trouble of editing new member's entire threads and replacing SWIM for them, and then politely remind them that its use is forbidden and directing them to the site rules. Which is very kind of them, considering that they could just post saying 'no swim - read the rules' and close their thread.

I think mods, and members too, are already putting a lot of effort into eliminating SWIM, I don't think there's much more BL could do. I don't mean to be patronising, but if you have any ideas yourself that could help stop its use, I'm sure the mods would be open to suggestions? The only thing I can think of to eliminate it completely is having every new thread reviewed by a mod before submission, which just isn't viable.

I agree it sucks, but I think mods & members are already doing a great job to eradicate it - and I can't see a viable solution as to how it can be completely eliminated.
It always irks me when a new member starts a thread off by saying that although they just signed up they have been lurking for years and finally decided to register in order to ask their question, and then they go on to use 'SWIM.' It makes you wonder if they really lurked here for so long considering we don't use 'SWIM' here and everyone usually gives it pretty badly to those using it on here.