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The Total War games Thread!


Bluelight Crew
Aug 26, 2003
I recently got into Rome: Total War (and Barbarian Invasion). I think these games are spectacular, and very challenging. I also just started playing Medieval II: TW, playing with the Republica Serenisima Venicia (=D) and things have been going smoothly. Apparently I finally found a faction that suites my style! (my general style in strategy games is very "swiss" - remaining neutral, small and enterprising while I watch it all fall apart, and then sweep in for the kill...)

In Rome: TW, I usually picked the Brutii and attempted to capture most of Sicily before the Scipii AI takes it (as it generally does within the first few terms). From there I establish a trade empire and thrive on bribery mostly, with just enough military to protect the towns that I bought =D

In Barbarian Invasion, I tried playing using all the factions, but I think I simply cannot play this game without mastering Rome: TW first. This game is brutal! It seems that I am most comfortable using the Sarmatians and ultra-diplomacy instead of military action.

Although I love those games, I also suck at them... haha. I actually only won a campaign once. It seems I keep starting over and over...

Share your interest, if any ;).
Love these games. Got hooked on them since Age of Empires (although a RTS)

Medieval II is just amazing. I don't have it myself so haven't done any of the campaigns, but all too often I find myself playing it on a LAN at my mates house at 5am with too much pizza and cider.

Its great when you're in a deadlock and every move you make is another page in your army's fate
mmm good games.
I'm really good.

you want to play some good Grand Strategies, check out Paradox games.
2v2 hot seating on Medieval II can get so tense when you get too far into the game
^ That sounds awesome, I haven't tried the multiplayer yet!

btw, for the confused: "Total War" is actually a game franchise :)
Jamshyd said:
I think these games are spectacular

something I can agree on, that came from Jamshyd? Hmm, someone must of divided by zero!

either way, I think Medieval II: TW is an awesome game. does anyone here have Hamatchi virtual LAN...perhaps I could play a game or two with someone.

Frizz...I love that nuke game too...its so damn hard tho, but its a blast.
^ 'tis all good, my friend :) (we both agree on Ketamine, too!)

I actually have Hamatchi (ah, Tokyo, how I miss you and your dorm C&C deathmatches!)... unfortunately these days my computer access is scattered, so I doubt I can hold up on a game that lasts for a satisfactory time...

I'll let you know if I get the chance though.
M2:TW ...I've got the Kingdoms Expansion, but have yet to try that out. I dabbled with M1:TW, but am really just now getting exposed to it in M2:TW

Currently I'm owning severely with The Holy Roman Empire(Aka The Reich...lol ze germans)...It's a good campaign because the nearby Italian states are relatively easy to take at first, but there are a ton of cities to manage, i.e. turns take forever.

My keys to winning are: Satisfy the Pope by completing their missions(annoying when they tell me to stop attacking factions) and offering them monetary gifts regularly(this will cause factions that are hostile to you to be excommunicated quickly, thus free to conquer), use merchants/priests constantly, never trust the French.

Awesome game, I love dominating the world!!!
ya rome total war was pretty great. i would liked playing as the Scipii and taking over greece then backtracking into Rome. Scipii + greece was just blatantly overpowered if i remember correctly.
I've got Medieval 2 & Kingdoms. Wasn't too impressed by the expansion except for the bug fixes and balances which can be applied to the original via the retrofit mod.

My favourites are the Turks. Horse archers really dominate early on, then you get cool units like the monster bombard, hashashim and naphtha throwers and you get to fight the Mongols & Timurids and the odd crusade here and there. Never a dull moment.

Empire in Jan 09!
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*phoenix down*


Yeah, I wanna revive this thread. I just noticed that neo thinks the Kingdoms expansion is not impressive. I beg to differ. I think Kingdoms is possibly the most brilliant strategy game ever to come out on PC!

I've been playing the whole thing for a year, simply learning the ropes so to speak. Only now did I begin to push into the depths instead of restarting with a different strategy or a new faction.

My current obsessions are: Antioch from the Crusades expansion, the Tarascans from the Americas expansion, and the Danes from the original game (in this order). What do all these allow for? At least 25 turns of peace (more than 100 in the case of Denmark) and diplomatic/economic prosperity.

I would love to be able to go far with Sicily, given it's killer geographic locations, but it is an economic nightmare from the getgo, and I imagine will also turn into a logistic nightmare later in the game thanks to having a volcano for each of the two major cities!!

In an ideal situation, with one of the above I'd be able to be at peace with all factions and simply buy off new settlements and/or assasinate..etc. without doing battle.

I'm very excited about trying Empire: Total War, even though I'm not a huge fan of the period. I'd love to see how the Indian and Latvian factions operate. I'm going to bet an arm and a leg right now that an expansion will be released that features a Japanese faction :).
i used to play the original, shogun: total war.

i played alot online.....very little single player play.

i used to win most of my head to head matches. i came up with my own special tried & tested battle formation that was very hard to beat.

so i stopped playing for a couple years. went back to the online servers and no1 was there.......i guess every1 had moved onto rome: total war.