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The Nothing Post (re-verb version 3.6)


Oct 24, 1999
I looked left and right and found that I could not see. My vision was gone.
Now in front of me was something blurry, I remember from a past life that it had said something aweful, something horrible.
Behind me was the door and I left, I shut the door and didn't look back.
Rain pourd down on my face.
I remember that there were no clouds in the sky.
The sun looked at me and he was very sad. He was crying and I asked him why?
"Son, don't ask why. You know why I am sad, look in your heart, see what it has to say"
So I looked deep inside and at first couldn't find anything.
"To the right a little"
There it was. Visions of discussions about trying to miscarry a baby using E. Some girls over at my friend's apartment one day. I had stood up, said "what the fuck" and walked out, crying the whole way. *refer to b2k board*.
The sun talked to me again
"boy, remember that when you are frustrated sometimes it is very hard to see..."
Yes. the sun was right... I realized that I could not see. The sun was just a voice inside my head. I thought to open my eyes. My face was soaked.
I climbed on to the roof and flew off into the San Jose mountains, swiling and diving and floating in the clouds. I wanted to fly to heaven... I just wanted to go home now, why wait until it's 'my time'?
And there I laid in the warm afternoon sun asking God "Please, can you take me now? Why can't this be my time?" I lay there motionless for hours, the sun went down. Why not today? Why not? Why do I have to stay and go through this? Can't I learn it some other way that doesn't hurt so badly?
Realizing my pain my cat came up to me and said "master, you can't leave because you have things to do. You learn in order so that you can 'do' later in life. whatever it is that you are meant to do".
My cat was right. I gave her a good pet and fell asleep as the hand of God shut my eyelids and my cat snuggled up against my head.
In order to apply and to achieve whatever it is that you need to do, you have to learn. Sometimes learning requires suffereing and pain. Sometimes learning requires frustrated anxiety and numbness.
an exercise in creative writting... no I didn't talk to my cat.
Frequency. Music. Sound. Imagination. Reality. Worlds. Hope. Love. Communication. Common Sense. Community.
homie, you do entirly to many drugs

very well written dood. i like it.