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The Nbome series explained in depth


Nov 3, 2013
Dear users of this forum and other readers, I have joined this forum to give you some information about the Nbome series which probably has not been available yet. This is an in depth analization about hundreds of extreme personal experiences with dosages going as high as 18mg, as well as the more ‘’regular doses’’, their mental effects and their effects on the body, and the brain(as I and other around me have perceived it)
I beg the admins of this forum to make this topic stick out here, as people are often misguided about this substance and it is probably good if the users get this information here at one point or another. Also, with this topic I do not recommend it, but I also will not say ‘’don’t do it’’. If you have decided to do it, I’m here to give the directions on how to do this the right way.

My experience

So my first experience with psychedelics was P.Cubensis, I did it when I was about 15 years of age, but as I was so young, I did not get much of it and though it was a good experience I was not keen on doing them again for a long time.
Then a year and a half…or maybe more back I met someone who had access to LSD, mushrooms, MDMA crystal, and many other substances like that. I have experienced great doses of all these substances (1500mics of LSD, 9 grams of Cubensis, 1.2g of pure MDMA crystal…also to add I have tried many different combinations and also combined these substances with speed, cocaine..and marijuana to name a few) I have done all this with my girlfriend, and other people around me. I am telling this not to show off but for reads to understand that I have many far-going experiences on this subject and thus came at one point the same doses using Nbome.
Also to note, we are not one of those ‘’street’’ junkies who have nothing else to do with their lives but put weird substances in their bodies. I did well in high school. I am now studying music, me and my girlfriend we study yoga, travel, I do some acting work. We are surrounded by amazing artists and people who can enjoy life. We live a harmonious and happy life and the drugs have in no way set us off the track.

Now to Nbome – It is sort of strange to say, but my first experience with 25I-Nbome was 11,5mg. That is because we did not know what we were taking. We thought it was LSD and had not tripped for two months so we decided to take up the ultimate experience. We had two friends to watch us for the first half hour to make sure we would make it. Things went a bit different though. Just as we took in the blotters, we were called by a friend who was investigating what this thing is that we got. He told us simply – don’t take those, they will kill you. That was it. Already before the call my girlfriends body started shaking and I threw up. Our two friends were quite scared (they did not know that we had experienced this before with extreme doses of LSD) and combined that with the phone call..they started talking behind our backs whether they should call the Emergency or not..or how to stop this terrible death. It became really uncomfortable for us and eventually we had to impolitely throw them out since if we were gonna die anyway then please would you let us do it the right way. We experienced a body load beyond explanation. We were unable to speak, move, we used only one word and the other would understand the sentence. There were buzzing noises, orbs flying across the room, every cell in our body was electrecuted with intense pleasure. This was the first hour and a half, which is always the hard time. Once this was finished, we understood quite well that we are not gonna die and are currently going through the most amazing experience in our lives. We did have contact with some energies and maybe some beings from other planes, we discussed philosophy beyond belief. But I am not about to enter that subject right now. Then we went for a walk outside. It was intensely raining and quite stormy. About 8 degrees C outside. We had nothing else on than a shirt and some random jeans…and shoes. As we were walking outside we saw the trees communicating with electric signals through the ground just like in Avatar. A signal eminated from our footsteps and was sent to the nature around us. We went to a kids playground, swinging. We were out in this rain for about and hour and a half – two hours. We did not get cold, we did not get sick and as it was our first experience we were not very exhausted even in the morning. When we made it home we called our friends to let know we are safe and what we just went through. We found our way to sleep quite easily after we came from the walk. Now I am not here to compare the visuals of this substance to the visuals of LSD or some very specific physical effects. You can find information about this on other topics and also I do not find this as relevant. The mental state and where it takes you is what I am talking about. Plus the physical side.

Now I am not about to give any further specific trip reports, but tell you about the long term effects. Through the year and a half I have gotten hold of different Nbome products, and probably I am not knowledable enough to give you specifics on different products, as I never really looked into which specific ones are they. I do know specificly about 25I and 25C as I have looked those blotters up the net and found the vendors.

Following this amazing experience I continued to have many more with doses equal to this and even as large as 18mg(but this one not at once, but during the same evening). And as small as 500 micrograms and used it to go dancing in the club(not recommended for crowded parties and/or for beginners) After going large in dose I still find the ‘’small’’ experiences just as rewarding..they just have a very different effect on you. When taken in truly great doses LSD, shrooms and Nbome alike take you to a quite similar place, It’s the small doses and physical effects that make the difference.

As far as tolerance build up is concerned..it is kind of strange with Nbome. If you only use it once you might not notice any tolerance build up. When you add a second or third time during a short period, it becomes quite obvious. But even so, It might happen that you are expecting huge tolerance and then completely underestimate the dose, because sometimes the tolerance if affecting you and sometimes it simply is not and you get an experience you were not prepaired for. Also the tolerance builds up quite instantly after the first ones are taken in. So as me and my GF were tripping for 24 hours straight, we had to take 4mg simply not to fall asleep, we did not have any other effects at that point. All in all, to trip for 24 hours it took us 20mg.

Now I will tell you about the negative aspects of Nbome.

Especially in small doses, the body load becomes an issue for trippers. It creates a sort of tingling sensation and many people are restless during use. It is hard to focus on anything and sometime hard to be satisfied with whatever you are doing. This body load can be surpressed by meditation for the first one and a half hours which makes the body calm. That is what I do but probably it is not something a usual tripper would have the energy for…to turn the trip inwards…many are more like victims to the chemical than those who lead it. For these persons, I will give and answer later on, but for now all I can say is you just have to accept it.

Also, people talking about ‘real’ physical side effects such as a racing heart, muscle tensions and others. I have muscle tensions myself and have experienced the racing heart. It happens, but actually nowhere near to a dangerous degree. It’s just that once you focus upon it it becomes worse and worse…or if you have some uncleared emotional/mental mess in you it might not at all appear mentally, but physically, and yes, this I real enough to damage people’s health. It is not okay to hide stuff in you when you are tripping. I am sure there are people who are super sensitive to this and there is no way to tell if you are one of them. For them the physical effects are probably real. But for many who experience the feeling of having their life in danger, heart racing and other problems, it is psychosomatic. Their mental stress or the need to explain everything logically is appearing physically. But one way or another, can it actually be dangerous? YES. Physical problems you create for yourselves are just as real, but you must understand that to get rid of them you do not start stuffing medicine in you, but have a mental approach to it and see what is going on inside you.

While mushrooms and LSD quite obviously shove your problems in your face and have you deal with them(if you are sensitive enough), Nbome is in that way a little different, which is also why many people consider it ‘’unspiritual’’. (Note: It is surely not as deep and spiritual as LSD and mushrooms on itself, but using it the right way can give you excellent results nevertheless. And if you go higher in doses, there really is no major differences in the mental side provided that you do this the right way)
Nbome may put you in emptiness, meaning that you have nothing in your head but the strange body buzz and unhappiness with the situation. It is not a particularly horrible experience, but it is tiring to wait for this all to end. Nbome probably won’t give you a bad trip filled with demons and whatever, but rather show you you own uncomfort. Also, it might show you personal problems physically, meaning that if in your mind you have a problem that you cant accept the love of other people, suddenly your throat starts getting tensions or your leg cramping. Here you must know how to say NO to the effect. You just got to find the mental reason for it and tell your body to stop putting suffer on itself. Many people do not find a way for this and keep on seeing it as a negative substance. Your choice completely, I am not here to discourage you nor advise this. But if you find the way to communicate with the trip you reach amazing states.

Long term effects

But now probably comes the most important problem of them all – the after effects.

The after effects are not usually felt upon first usages, except for people who have a very bad diet, weak bodies or lack of vitamins and minerals. People usually feel quite good the next day. But this is not the case with prolonged use. The more you do it the harder it becomes for your body. For me, after one and a half years(and right now I am using it about weekly), my body feels burning in the morning, my throat feels burning and dehydrated constantly, not only after use. At some point before it certainly affected my immune system and I started getting ill. I got rid of most of the things later on. But I’ll continue with the list – It is very hard on the kidneys as well, need for constant urination. Loss of appetite with some specific Nbome’s. Burning sensations in the brain after extreme doses. Generally the feeling of an electric chair the next day combined with weakness.

What to do with the negative effects?

Now I will tell you about some of the solutions. 1) do not use the substance – easy as that, if you feel better off without it, please don’t be a bitch to your own body and mind 2)Constant drinking during the trips – this will help a bit against dehydration, but the problem actually is not about that, so the help is minor 3)lead a healthier diet and have more rest – if you don’t have any deficiencies on your body, you will not get the after effects, cause Nbome leads to extreme mineral deficiencies in your body, which also creates the idea of dehydration. 4)Use of Creatine Monohydrate – This is a supplement used by bodybuilders and athletes to get more muscle mass and better performance. What is actually does is accumulate more water in the cells of your body so your body can function better, and can also process food better in that way. This will generally enhance your system to be more healthy. Of course this is not a magic cure. It will aid quite a lot, but do not expect all the side effects to go, if you are using often it still is of some help though.
5) Use of magnesium and potassium .To my research this seems to be the greatest cure, I tried this a short time ago, and it does work miracles. Nbome takes huge amounts of those minerals out of your body, which is responsible for the body load and the bad feelings the next day or when the trip is over. Taking 300mg of protassium and 500mg of magnesium just before I started with the trip was enough. I experienced no body load at all with the dose of 3mg. Moreso, usually when the effects of the trip start leaving, the huge stress on the body comes in. Sweating, dehydration, need to urinate often, burning sensations, no possibility of sleep (as mentioned before the side effects get much worse with repeated use, beginners probably will not experience anything near as intense). This time, 5 hours into the trip I was able to fall asleep fine, no sweating, no dry throat, no problems at all basically. In the morning I did need two glasses of water and a shower. That is all, so if anyone is going to experiment with these chemicals, find a way in your budget to add these supplements to your trip. They are cheap and make an amazing difference, they all the things away that people warn you about and the substance is no longer a danger to your body :) Take care of your self.

Now some comments about the deaths and hospitalisations . Deaths have all seemed to occur with the nasal insufflation of the substance. Hospitalisations have also been using the blotter for and usually it regard the super sensitive people, or people who have those extreme mineral deficiencies in their bodies. As far as doses and dangerousness is concerned – told previously I have taken most, 11,5 milligrams at once, I’ve had first time users who go as far and 18mg during the night, or 10mg at once, and they have all ended up fine. I have a user who took 2mg and is still having nightmares, since she was simply not ready for the emotional and mental burden she received, it was quite a tragedy for her what she found out about herself. I know people who take extremely small doses and all they do Is complain about the body high and uncomfort. I know the deaths and hospitalisations have occurred on much smaller dosages. I know of no deaths with sublingual use. So there is no definitive way of saying how certain amounts affect you, but it seems smaller amounts are more dangerous because then the person has the chance to fight back thus making it worse. Also, there is no way to tell if you are super sensitive to this or not, so please do not take the risk to take 10mg on first use only to find out you are gonna die. It is not what you want to do.

Also as mentioned before, it might be a very traumatising on someone who is mentally very unstable or weak. Do not recommend this to all your friends if you think it is so great. Take a moment to think wheter that person is fit for it or need some personal development and preparation before use.


As you see, there are both positive and negative aspects to this substance. By using this substance I have had healing powers to heal myself and other people, I have seen my girlfriend’s spirit..and mine. We have experienced perfect fusion on a spiritual level, becoming one. Many people have had their lives change by attending the group trips I have done. Many more are extremely thankful for what it has done to them. We experience perfect love, have met many beings and now are physically going to an amazing spiritual journey around the world. These things can give you a whole different life and make you love people and do things you never imagined possible. Or you can end up really really bad as described earlier.
I recommend you live a happy, loving and most of all a healthy life. Eat good unprocessed food, take your vitamins, sleep well. Find time to be in silence and peace with yourself. Do not take these thing recklessly as then the things described above will happen. I am talking from experience. Take the advice I gave for you and use it for all the best, enjoy your lives, and if you have any further questions write to me and I will happily answer and help.

I will NOT, though, give you information about where to get the substance, whether it’s ‘’cool’’ or not, and also do not start bombing me down nervously with ideas like ‘’your story is fake and faggots like you should burn themselves’’. Please respect the information given and try to get out of it what is important for you.

Many thanks for your time and enoy your experience in life :)
thanks for posting this.. intersting read.. i am researching this chemical heavily after trying one blotter not realizing how new and unresearched it actually was... the experience was enjoyable but i didn't like the muscle tremors (got above my eye for a while - that was the most annoying but i did my best to ignore it and enjoy the experience also in my left leg.) i have a bunch of blotter that is 500mcg 25i nbome and 400 mcg 25c nbome on it, and i was wondering if you have experience combining different nbomes? Also any effect on liver?

thanks. good to read about someone with longterm use.
You can also try magnesium for the tremors. just take about 500milligrams before putting the blotter on the tongue. it will certainly decrease if not lose them. Nbome might generate some gas in your system, but I have not noticed anything else implicating to any inner damaging effects. Though it does take water and minerals out from the cells in your body, which creates the problems it does. But once again, using the supplements mentioned above to my experience will make it all good. Since I have used it almost weekly, I used to be suffering every time when the trip was coming on or ending, but now with the supplements added no problems whatsoever. I cant say if it stays like this forever though :)

Combining different Nbomes...well they are quite similar..so probably you will actually get a mix of the two or one will overrule the other. I would reccomend any other nbome than 25-I though. In my experience 25I gives the most physical and ''shallow'' effect. With 25C however, I have extremely good experiences. Mabe it's just me though. So try..im sure it wont do harm to you, they really are quite similar :)
Thanks for such a detailed and considerate post. It should be very helpful to people (still?) interested in getting involved with these particular chemicals.

Out of everything you said, I guess I have an issue with this (but only this) ---v

it seems smaller amounts are more dangerous because then the person has the chance to fight back thus making it worse

I know that's picking out *one* sentence from an extremely long post and shining a bright light on it. But, I couldn't repeat this in good conscience as a piece of generalized advice. Just my take on it.

Otherwise, all good!
Im glad you picked that out. Its true that I meant something different there that direct physical dangers.

What I meant is that people tend to have uncomfortable experiences more often with small doses up to 1...or maybe 2mg, up from 3 seems to go mentally easier for them. Physically of course that's not the case and for ultra sensitive people already a dose of 3mg may be lethal, so people reading do take his ''picking'' seriously :)
That was a very in depth report...but it really should go under trip reports as rather than being based on fact (as the title suggests) it is totally based on personal experience.
So I'm asking this here because it seems like you have had a great deal of experience with it, do you happen to know the difference between 25C nbome and the nhoh (i know thats not proper name sorry hopefully you know what I'm saying) Because I'm to these specific chemical compounds and very interested in know what the difference is on a chemical level if you know but most importantly on the trip its self and effects on the body. Please and thank you!
Deaths have not been exclusively due to insufflation. There has been at least one case of an oral dose killing. Taking multiple milligrams of this stuff is dangerous. You may have been "ok" before but the next time could kill you.