• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

The more we know right?


Dec 27, 2015
So this is something I've wondered. Everywhere talks about purification, and extraction. This is great and all, but what if we want to convert a liquid into a powder that has a certain potency per volume? Are there any safe fillers we can use that will not defeat the purpose of removing the nasty binders? Is there a way to use CWE OC in combination with a stimulant and make a loopy rollercoasting drink, or could we add something other than antihistamines to increase effectiveness? Is there a topic page dedicated to this?

I know I know! Lots of questions. But I truly believe there are answers to these questions, as well as controlling the substance instead of it controlling you. Or I'm jut a lunatic. It's a possibility as well.
This is great and all, but what if we want to convert a liquid into a powder that has a certain potency per volume? Are there any safe fillers we can use that will not defeat the purpose of removing the nasty binders?

So you want to remove the inert fillers in a pill and then replace them with more inert fillers? Or is there something I'm not getting here?

Conversion of a CWE to a solid is pretyy much as simple as evaporating the water under gentle heat. If you are sticking to oral usage & you have some access to solvents and basic chemistruy equipment then another quite viable option for turning oxycodone CWE liquid to a solid form is converting the CWE'd oxycodone salt to a freebase by addition of sodium or potassium carbonate, extraction of the freebase with a water immiscible solvent such as dichloromethane/chloroform (ideal), ethyl acetate, diethyl ether, or hexanes/petroleum ether/naptha (worst), drying of the solvent-oxycodone mixture with e.g. magnesium sulfate, and then evaporation to yield a waxy freebase.

Is there a way to use CWE OC in combination with a stimulant

Well, yeah, the same way you'd take OC pills and can combine them with whatever stimulant suits your fancy. But I would advise against mxiing the two in one drink, dosing is simplified if you keep the two seperate.

as well as controlling the substance instead of it controlling you.

Somehow I don't think opioid-stimulant combinations will help you on that front.
I think the point in CWE -> fillers is getting rid of the majority of paracetamol and then still making a powder that's not only the drug + residual paracetamol?

Other than that I think you're making it too complicated for yourself. It's always easier and better to dose different drugs separately.
To answer Seiko : I would like to extract and remove the nose clogging binders am fillers, and replace them with a filler that is water soluble and safe to ingest. Then all I'd have to do is measurements of mg per gram.
This would give me a product that gives me the desired effects via desired delivery method sans the clogged nose, risk of taking too much, etc. However I don't know if this is even possible which is why I asked.

Also, thanks for the info on liquid to solid! The mixing of a stimulant and opioid definitely caught me off guard, as I presumed you could easily measure the components for mixing (rough example: 200 mg dissolved caffeine/40 mg oc extract/120 ML water,ethyl, etc.. Don't judge, rough example derived from pure speculation lol). Then again this is why I came here to ask questions!

To belligerent drunk (love the name BTW). Everything seems complicated until you learn and understand it, and the only way to understand it is by asking. Who knows what you may find out with a simple question! =D
I think OP wants to have larger dosages ranges for easier dosing/eye balling etc. A good idea tbh, my only 2 cents are when adding the inert filler, mix it for a thorough 5 minutes or so there is a perfectly even density of the desired drug within the complete powder.
I think OP wants to have larger dosages ranges for easier dosing/eye balling etc. A good idea tbh, my only 2 cents are when adding the inert filler, mix it for a thorough 5 minutes or so there is a perfectly even density of the desired drug within the complete powder.

Indeed! Some substances are stellar when they hit hard and fast, others are a lot nicer when drawn out in sessions. My idea is purely for simpler control, and desired method of ingesting. I can look at this 1 gram portion, know it has X mg of desired substance, and can be administered via insufflation during a session without risk of overdose, or gunking my sinuses for a couple of days.

Some substanes are pretty awesome in liquid form, others work well for tooting. Preference really. I'm also curious if there is a safe way to make a quick evap tonic for dripping some substances onto others for burning. A rudiment example would be a methylphenidate solution that could be dripped onto a cigarette or whatever, evaporates rather quickly( a minute or two) leaving the concentrated residue behind, then smoked. The idea seems great, but I imagine the evaporant would likely have to be volatile.

But that's for another pondering he he.
I'm also curious if there is a safe way to make a quick evap tonic for dripping some substances onto others for burning.

Depends on the substance which you want to dissolve, but fairly volatile yet not too hazardous solvent is, for example, acetone. If you're not afraid of chlorine or two, then dichloromethane is perfect for this job, easily evaporatable and has quite excellent dissolving properties; but be careful - chlorinated solvents are no bueno for your health. Diethyl ether might work as well.

E: also, I take back what I said about making this overly complicated, now that I've understood what your motives are. Neat idea. I guess for an inert filler you could use something like inositol?
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I'll have to allocate some funds and set up some experiments for sure. Being the dubious control freak that I am this is right up my alley! ;)