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the man of black


Mar 1, 2000
The Man of Black.
to tired to think of the deaths,
how many he has put to rest,
it is not for you to sit and think about,
only he can plan this misery that all doubt,
as he watches and begins to shout,
you don’t understand for you know not what, hes about.
as his night begins to kill you all,
you think its the night that'll never fall,
your souls are the shouts he begins to call,
as he used different tongue to confuse you all,
for you know not why you start to crawl,
just hoping that you dont have to go away from your sheltered hall.
this misery he has planned for you to feel,
you did not see for he eats with you at every meal,
now tell me why this creation has to steal,
for our thoughts are how he was brought into this deal,
so tell me b why to us is he so chill,
never mind i know its cause he likes our pill,
he has seen all the worlds which we fill,
now we let him show them all our skill,
as he brings death to all of the ill.
we tell you watch your back,
for this little man sits wearing all black,
on the right he'll always try to mack,
and then show us all your deaths that he can stack,
no matter who you think you are he’ll see through your act,
so becareful what you say to me for i may show you no slack,
for the pains of all these worlds i know you lack,
and in this world im the one who makes them fact.
some time you think you hear him in your sleep,
dont fear my child thats your life hes going to keep,
now don’t begin to do that, he hates when you weep,
and yeah thats your girls bed he begins to creep.
so you know that gun you hold in your hand now,
you can not stop him for his voice is the reason it goes plow,
and when you think you know him youve just committed a serious foul,
now come here and watch his dance, yeah i know; wow,
you see your world of lines just stood up only to bow,
so just stop trying to kill him youll never figure out how.
so now that you try to be my friend,
come and let me show you your end,
for you were never there to open the door that started his trend,
or kicked him while he was just trying to mend,
for all his work tires him but he'll never bend,
while my mind is something that he will always fend,
and your bodies something that he will continue to rend,
all he does is try to make our worlds of pain extend,
dont hide in the shadows where his business he tend,
for that is your death that he begins to send.
now look at me and know i have no fear,
for I see him every time i look in the mirror,
just when you thought you were in the clear,
i show you how everything you know i can smear,
so watch your step you little queer,
for this man of the shadows will never shed a tear,
he’ll just sit down next to me right here,
and begin to whisper your death in my ear.
so watch our eyes and youll know we tell you no lies,
and that in our world theres always blueskies,
now all i can do is begin to close my eyes,
as i hear you scream out all your cry's,
so j and b let us take them to the skies,
and show them the world we’ve made for all of our lives.
the end.
let me know what you think by sending email to [email protected]
NIIIICCCEEEEEE!!!!!!! I liked that alot. Keep it up.
"Enlightenment is the path, Education is the door / Risk is the key that opens up new brilliant gateways to explore." ~Intricate *~PLUR~*