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Harm Reduction Testosterone cypionate dose adjustment


Dec 10, 2022
So my doctor keeps telling me that my levels are fine. I think he’s a quack.

I gained 25 lbs about over the last two weeks and I work out 6 days a week yet I’m fatter like wtf. Sure I have more muscle but can’t tell so much under the damn fat.

My last results were 1098 T and 195 E. I think I’m having aramotise going on. Libido down now increased body fat…yeah fucking quacks.

Nice thing is they will genuinely write any non opioid drug I want. But not in the dosages I want. For example, they maxed out my T dosage immediately. No titration against my wishes. But they assured me it will be fine.

While I try to get a referral to a specialist, how could I go about reducing my TC dose. I have a 200mg/ml vial. I know how to decrease a dose I’m just saying how much would one decrease it by? I’m thinking I can either take 100 or 150 instead of 200.

But i feel Like I need More of a guide on how to reduce it. Stupid phone.

Should I just skip my dose for a week? I’m due this morning. Or will only AI help? What are the risks of AI?