testing for bunk clen?


Jan 23, 2010
hi all,

i'm pretty new to the performance-enhancing realm of drugs, and after doing some research am thinking about a clen/t3 cycle to drop some much needed body fat..

i know there are a lot of scammer sites out there claiming to ship clen to the US, but is there any way to test for purity outside of a lab? i do work in a laboratory but we don't do much chemistry and thus i don't have access to anything that would raise an eyebrow.

any advice would be would be appreciated.

hi all,

i'm pretty new to the performance-enhancing realm of drugs, and after doing some research am thinking about a clen/t3 cycle to drop some much needed body fat..

i know there are a lot of scammer sites out there claiming to ship clen to the US, but is there any way to test for purity outside of a lab? i do work in a laboratory but we don't do much chemistry and thus i don't have access to anything that would raise an eyebrow.

any advice would be would be appreciated.


not really any way to test it that I'm aware of, but if you can't lose weight with diet then the drugs are not going to be of much help in the long run and actually will be worse for you...you might drop some fat/weight now, but when you come off of them you have a very high chance of putting all of the fat/weight back on plus more

clen is also extremely bad for you and extremely hard on your heart...from your name I'm assuming that you are female, I apologize if I'm wrong, but if you are female don't mess with T-3 unless it is prescribed by a doctor....most doctors won't even prescribe T-3 to women even with thyroid problems, they always try to go a different route...T-3 for women can wreak havoc on their hormones and menstrual cycles

basically you need to lose as much as you possibly can by fixing your diet first and then resort to drugs only when you have a little bit of stubborn fat left
There used to be some private labs that did the work. But, all the labs I know are no longer in business. Foolish if you ask me, it's safe to know that you are taking clen and not acid.

The only way to test clen, outside of a lab, is to just take it. You'll know if it's clen but this approach isn't very sensible.

If you are female, like maakshif said don't try T3 but perhaps try eph if your're looking for abit of a boost also helps curb your appetite.