Test causing acid reflux


Oct 29, 2018
Anyone find test causes more acid stomach/acid reflux? I find as I increase the dose it gets worse.
It's hard to say. "Test" is a general word that could be several hundred compounds. Pretty much all anabolic steroids are derived from testosterone.
What are you taking? What is the dose? What was the dose before? How long? Are you monitoring your e2? Have you had your bloods done? What is your diet like?
Anyone find test causes more acid stomach/acid reflux? I find as I increase the dose it gets worse.
What is your current dose of Test, and your dosing protocol?
Are you on any other PED or drug?
Just testosterone at TRT levels - if I go above much over 0.1ml of 200mg test cyponiate a day then I notice a change in how much of an acid stomach I have.
There is a correlation between androgens and stomach acid production. I believe it's through cholinergic action but don't quote me on that. Lots of people experience it with more androgenic compounds like tren but dht is also fairly androgenic in itself
I've also been taking a bit of pregnenolone - I think cutting that down to every other day or once every third day has decreased the symptoms so maybe that was the issue.