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Tell us about the psychiatric (or addiction related) meds you have been on (even a little tip would help!) - give other BLers a heads up

Propranolol (for anxiety, 10mg capsules, eight a day as needed) - Honestly didn't fins this helped at all for my thoughts or mindset and didn't reduce my anxiety at all. It WAS very good at preventing the PHYSICAL symptoms of anxiety. I noticed a moderate reduction in heart beat, sweating, shaking and nausea. I imagine this would work really well for high heart-rate or similar. For anxiety I give it 3/10.

Codeine Phosphate (pain): I was put on this before I had ever taken an opioid and so with no tolerance, I'd say it was good for mild pain (especially combined with another painkiller such as Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen or Aspirin) and took the edge off my back pain enough to help me sleep. But I did have one extremely negative experience with Codeine: I had insomnia one night shortly after being prescribed it (at the time I was opioid-naive and also knew very little about them) and I remember that the Codeine made me feel sleepy, so I kept taking it hoping to sleep. I ended up taking 300mg. Suddenly my skin was blotchy red and very hot. This was followed very rapidly by the most unbearable, intense itching I have ever experienced. My whole face swelled up, especially my eyes and after ten minutes (by which time I was bleeding in several places from scratching myself raw) I had to lie down on the floor. I was extremely weak and couldn't even lift up my head so had to shout for my parents to call an ambulance. The paramedics said that - even after being given something to increase my blood pressure - I had the lowest blood pressure they had ever seen (in someone not unconscious). I spent 2 days n the hospital on a load of anti-histamines.
3/10 because it's effective for mild, short-term pain and because it's easy enough to get to help with opioid withdrawal, but it has terrible side-effects.

Morphine (for Pain, taken IV) - was given 10mg of intravenous Morphine every 4 hours (6x day) for three months while in hospital for a particularly severe episode of acute pancreatitis. This is what actually led to my 8 years-and-counting opioid addiction. I was in agony and found the IV morphine gave me such effective relief from the pain. It was EXTREMELY effective and felt like a miracle.
I didn't have any negative side-effects from it apart from sleeping more, but if you are lying in a hospital bed and constantly in pain, sleeping a lot is a good thing.
Probably still my favourite opioid - 9/10
Im taking etumine and trazodone, what exactly I feel from the trazodone I dont know, but the etumine does his job but with serious side effects...