Recruiting SURVEY STUDY- Investigating the relationship between bad trips and psychedelic outcomes

Apr 1, 2024
Hello all! My name’s George, and I’m a fourth year psychology student at the University of Bristol currently writing my dissertation. I’m investigating the effect that challenging experiences (or bad trips as they’re more commonly known as) have on people’s perceptions on the outcomes of their psychedelic experiences. To take part in the study, all you need to do is complete a quick survey- it shouldn’t take any longer than 5-10 minutes. I’d really appreciate if you could help out and complete the study.

If anyone has any questions please get in touch with me! My email is [email protected]
Also- here's a link to some extra information before you complete the survey if you'd like to have it explained in more detail.:
Thank you for reading :)

Ethics approval code 17578
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Also, it's my first time using Qualtrics, so if anyone has tried to complete the survey and it hasn't worked- please let me know.
Thank you once again :)
Hi @George_Sewell_Researcher - welcome to Bluelight. I am sorry to take so long to reply to your email - literally looking at them now and see you've posted already.

Your study looks good. You might want to mention ethical approval in your post - please check out our forum guidelines for the information we would like you to include in your post.

I'd be interested in looking at the survey itself, but don't meet the criteria and don't want to mess up your data. Maybe someone else who does meet the criteria can complete this and report back?
I’m investigating the effect that challenging experiences (or bad trips as they’re more commonly known as)
One mans "Bad Trip" is another persons Stoic moment.

IN this day & age with so much Woke gibberish & people thinking "Micro Dosing" is tripping give one of those people 2C-B or MDA let alone smoking N,N, DMT they will call it "A Bad Trip" & cry about it.

Your Data will be corrupted.
One mans "Bad Trip" is another persons Stoic moment.

IN this day & age with so much Woke gibberish & people thinking "Micro Dosing" is tripping give one of those people 2C-B or MDA let alone smoking N,N, DMT they will call it "A Bad Trip" & cry about it.

Your Data will be corrupted.
I've not done this survey so I don't know, but if the researcher has asked about microdosing as well as the actual drugs the person took, then they can screen out anything that doesn't suit their definitions.
One mans "Bad Trip" is another persons Stoic moment.

IN this day & age with so much Woke gibberish & people thinking "Micro Dosing" is tripping give one of those people 2C-B or MDA let alone smoking N,N, DMT they will call it "A Bad Trip" & cry about it.

Your Data will be corrupted.
Hello, thank you for your input. The survey is looking at people’s perspectives on their bad trips, so even if people have different criteria for what makes a bad trip their data is still just as valuable. That’s also why we included the challenging experiences questionnaire, as it allows for a more empirical investigation of what actually constitutes a bad trip.