SURVEY! - Is LOON funny, or not?


Jan 12, 2000
In response to Loon's survey, (Mens penis size & another for Womens breast size), I thought I'd do one of my own as I can't make up my mind! What do you think? Is Loon funny or not?
Everything begins with an "E"!
[This message has been edited by Sambo (edited 20 January 2000).]
Yeah, he is DEFINITELY funny!
What is even funnier, is that even though everyone claims to hate those surveys, they MUST be reading them because they are replying! I think he is pretty funny and I also think most of the people that post on this board are pretty funny. It is a funny board and that is why I am always checking it out.
Definitely an escape from the life of a 9-5 office slave! I would totally post on the sex questions more, but I think too many people know my post name. Maybe I will get a new name and just start posting away! You know that is what half of these freaks do anyway! I love it! Tis great fun!
Thanks Bluelighters!