• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Suggestions for anorectic meds

Anecdote: someone I was in contact with who takes Nardil suspected some considerable percentage of weight gain to be likely increased water retention, and a prescription for hydrochlorothiazide was reportedly successful.
Actually amphetamine is safely prescribed with MAOI's in treatment resistant patients.

That is certainly true, but I just wanted to add that one should only attempt this under the close supervision of a physician. Dosages need to be adjusted and the patient needs to be closely monitored when treatment is begun to ensure they aren't susceptible to hypertension, tachycardia, or even angina when administered the combination.

Extreme caution should always be exercised when combining anything (especially monoamine releasers/ reuptake inhibitors) with an MAOI; and should be done in close consultation with a qualified physician whom you trust to be hypervigilant.
Well, I have to get the basic's right first. So I have started being rigid about my diet and doing an hour of cardio and weights every day. I have only just started and already I am feeling and looking much better.
I can't imagine me not getting to my ideal weight with the work I am putting in. Maybe Nardil has an added benefit in that it forces you to live a healthy active lifestyle.
I will report back on how I go.
On a side note, I have heard about the whole fluid retention thing many times before, but the first thing you see with fluid retention as far as I know is swelling in the ankles and hands. Can you have it without those symptoms?
I think it is fat and gas that makes you so bloated
apologies if you already know this but I just thought I'd add that diet is far more important than excercise when it comes to losing weight. So if you feel like your motivation is waining, keep the diet in check at all costs, because sticking to a lower calorie diet is what will lose you weight, and if you relapse on food you will put the weight back on again.
I can't see classical stimulants used for weight loss leading to favorable outcomes in the long term.
I would try to eat regularly, with small, frequent meals, those meals being rich in protein and complex carbohydrates (by "complex", I mean sources of carbs rich in fiber; your body breaks down starch into glucose extremely rapidly). While such a regimen might leave your baseline level of hunger intact, you should enjoy a higher ratio of volume of food consumed to caloric content.

Well, I have to get the basic's right first. So I have started being rigid about my diet and doing an hour of cardio and weights every day. I have only just started and already I am feeling and looking much better.

On a side note, I have heard about the whole fluid retention thing many times before, but the first thing you see with fluid retention as far as I know is swelling in the ankles and hands. Can you have it without those symptoms?
I think it is fat and gas that makes you so bloated

Good for you!! Just keep it up. Take it day by day..don't expect results right away, just be consistant and the pounds will drop off slowly but surely.
Would you like to try Atkins induction for at least two weeks? This has worked for me many times, especially when I want to jumpstart my weight loss . I only eat lean meats, absolutely no carbohydrates unless it is from green leafy vegetables (no fruit, sugar, pastries, grains, sugary sauces, etc.)

After two weeks, you can then start incorporating some complex carbs into your diet slowly .

As for the bloat you feel, have you tried food combining? I try not to eat starches and protein together (usually) because they give me that bloated feeling. If you like I can tell you more about it.
Argh! I'm going nuts! I have been hitting the gym hard, weights, cardio and I have also cut out refined sugars, all junk food, watching my kj intake with EVERYTHING and I used to body build and got qualified as a fitness instructer so its not like I don't know what I am doing...
Anyway, I have gained another 2 kilos!! Fuck!
Some of it has defitely got to be muscle as I just look at weights and I bulk up but 2 kilos?
This is shit! I read through a lot of studies and it basically came down to none of these weight reducing agents being more than slightly effective.
Did I mention that I also take 25mg of quitiapine to put me to sleep at nights? I thought such a low dose wouldn't make a difference but I din't get quite this fat last time I was on nardil so that has got to be contributing to it.
I can't stop Nardil, I am just an angry sad person without it. I may have to go back on a benzo to help me sleep though they don't work very well. I already take melatonin but it doesn't keep me asleep.
I have cut out the nicotine gum and replaced it with these little sub linguel tablets as I figured the bloating and farting could come from swalling air and there is sorbitol in the gum as well. See how that goes.
Maybe I will try the high protein thing, I love my vegies and I only eat one 50 gram can of tuna a day so I rekon I could use more since I am working out really hard.
I am also taking chromium to try to settle the carb cravings and it seems to help.
Any other suggestions?
Just thought an update may be in order

I have been sticking to a strict 8000kj a day diet, usually around 7500kj a day.
Smashing heaps of green tea and cut out all added sugar.

Anyway, am down to 74.5kg from a high of 77kg a couple of weeks ago :)

The bloating was a combination of nicotine gum and dairy, coffee and wheat products, cut all of those out.
Doing one set to failure sessions in the gym twice a week plus 2 - 3 sessions of martial arts training a week which is very intense.
Try to get a swim in at least once a week as well as go for a morning walk.
Looking and feeling heaps better.