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Stimulants Suddenly the urge to smoke some meth and watching porn


May 9, 2020
ok the last time i did that was in march so its now 6 months ago and before march it was in october 2019 when i stopped smoking meth. i started meth in may 2019 and stopped because it got a lil bit too much.

actually im not watching porn often cant remember when i watched the last time but the question is why or where comes this desire to smoke some meth, chill and do a porn marathon hmmmm very very weird.
im taking 5htp since the beginning of august and i read that it depletes dopamine ? maybe because of that ? hmmm but i dont think that is depletes so much dopamine like meth does that would be hilarous and i do not feel like would have a meth induced dopamine depleted body.
im wondering how is it to smoke meth and take 5htp together hmmmm
and i had the last 2 nights sex dreams hmm
but i felt bad every time i did that

well maybe that means im still addicted to it ? is this craving after a half year normal ? i mean its of course not strong like i couldnt resist it its like hmmmm now a blow from a pipe would be nice
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im wondering how is it to smoke meth and take 5htp together hmmmm

If you are very dopamine depleted and smoke meth it just keeps you awake and alert for a day or so with no sense of euphoria or pleasure. Then you crash no matter how much you smoke.
Try jerking off and then seeing what happens to that urge. I had it today. Wanted to get some meth and either porn marathon or get a girl over. Then I jerked off. Then I couldn't be bothered. Now its a few hours later and the urge is back.

I know what needs to be done.