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Opioids "Successful" Oxy Chipping

Is my chipping schedule somewhat reasonable here? Does anyone else have experience?
I get that I am playing with fire here but when preventative steps are trying to be taken could this be a "safe" way to continue my usage?

OK. The golden rule for me is you should take about three times the amount of days off that you're on. Some people say 3 days off 2 days on is fine; but not in my experience. Twice weekly (either twice in one day, or once on two consecutive days) was the most I could sustain comfortably (ie without physical dependence building up again). And even so I'd take a total break of a couple weeks to a full month regularly to help re-set my tolerance.
If you're never had a habit (physical dependence) it will be easier, but never take your eye off the ball. As soon as you feel you want it more often, are starting to rely / lean on it to take you out of a bad mood, or notice you're having to take substantially larger amounts to get the same effect, cut it out completely for awhile before resuming.

PS all successful long-term opiate users that I know on average typically don't exceed two or three times a month. Twice a week is doable but already pushing it.
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Hi everyone,
Check my post history for my history but basically last June I found a consistent Oxy plug and became a "weekend warrior." Well to cut it short I wasn't doing it right, I was limiting my oxy use to the weekends but the weekdays would be replaced with Kratom instead.
I quickly learned from everyone that that was not helping so by January / February (5-6 months in) I cut the Kratom off. Since February I've been dosing oxy from Friday - Sunday and I would usually go for 30s (split into 2 15s) with the very rare days where I upped it to 60mg. I also learned that "redosing" doesn't help so since Feb I've essentially just been doing 1 30mg dose a night from Friday - Sunday and just carry on with my life from Monday - Thurs.
Step by step I feel like I am doing what I can to keep this "responsible" but the constant FUD I read online scares me to death.

Is my chipping schedule somewhat reasonable here? Does anyone else have experience?
I get that I am playing with fire here but when preventative steps are trying to be taken could this be a "safe" way to continue my usage?
Most other experiences I read online I see people quickly going 120mg+ daily and I feel like for someone who has been keeping this routine for a year I have been doing alright. I don't chase the nod, though it was nice while it lasted. It's just nice to take it and let myself go socially on the weekends.
Thanks for any replies in advance.
I always heard taking opioids 3 days in a row will lead to withdrawal so I'd recommend once a week at most

:vampire: :vampire: :vampire:
In the southwest , sure seems the small time, street level dealers are more likely to get sold bunk pills (blues / fent ) and plugs that can afford to stock large amounts are getting better , more consistent ones .. from what I hear, the pure fent powder is now getting more popular and is much more pure and potent, , ive seen it smoked off foil and absolutely no cruddy black fillers left on the foil. cost more but its on a whole other level,, Be careful if you're trying it.
Anytime I tried limiting a drug's use to Fri-Sun, it caught up with me and eventually gave withdrawal through the week. Weekend use is two days. Once you start using three and off four, things build up.