Suboxone group ?!


Mar 25, 2010
What am I to expect from this? I thought this was an NA. But I called and its a Suboxone meeting. I dont take Suboxone....Im trying to get on it so I can quit. Am I going to the right place?
ive never heard of a suboxone n my sub doc talked about getting all of us together that r on subs to get together n meet...just like an NA meeting....but maybe this is a good way to kick n starts subs....good luck with everything!! peace
I have not heard of a suboxone meeting either, but if that is in fact what it is, I would recommend checking it out. If you are interested in getting on Subs, I am sure this would be a great place to talk to some other people on it to get some information on how to proceed. Good luck !
they have suboxone meetings and methadone meetings because some NA members look at maintenance opiods as cheating, not really sober, crutches, characteristic self-deception, etc

those meetings are for people who are on maintenance drugs and don't want to be persecuted

some NA people even tell you to get off your psych drugs.... it's like, yeah, okay, i'll do that and i'll show up here next week in a manic haze, probably bleeding again and pissed off for some reason, unable to stop jabbering semi-religious nonsense..... you see what you think about my psych pills then, see how sober i am then....

Some Drs have a counselor/therapist that runs a group/meeting for sub patients. My new Dr has them once a week. I haven't gone yet but I plan on it.
Taking sub alone is not enough for most addicts to stay clean, I know for me it hasn't been. I'm not sure what type of sub meeting your talking about, but regardless I say go and check it out. Learn what you can from other people that are doing well on sub so you know what to expect when and if you get started on it.
I have been to a couple PA meetings [pills anonymous] never heard of a specific suboxone meeting. I know in the NA meetings I go to half the people are doped up on bupe as is. I never understand how ppl get high from that, shrug. A couple ppl were nodding out tonight at a meeting probably dope from the looks of the nod. Doesnt bother me just reminds me on where I am not.

I recall going to a few sub meetings that my doc would hold with the other patients but that was awhile ago, she realized it was a bad thing introducing all the patients because people were hooking up and scoring dope soon as they got out the doors, methadone group meetings I remember too those were well a joke as ppl were just fuct.

I hear the most fuct up shit at meetings around here. rambling...
