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Suboxone and Heroin


Aug 4, 2016
Long time reader but first time poster.

Brief history of use...I've been using heroin for about 4-5 years now. Usually about 40 bucks a day (which I realize is not THAT BAD of a habit but bad nonetheless). There was a period where I used one 8mg suboxone and split it into two days. Believe it or not that was enough for me to not go through any withdrawals. I was clean for a month after that. I went back on dope because I suffered from a seizure one day while at work and was told it was from my drug abuse. I always found how I had a seizure weird because it happened a month after I had stopped. I went back on opiates the minute I got out of the hospital because I was scared of suffering more seizures. That was on July 1st, 2012. I've been back on dope since. Now I've managed to get my hand on a suboxone again. I've been using it as a crutch for days I couldn't use. But it's weird, from what I remember, the last time I was clean for a month using that sub I don't remember having too many cravings or anything. For some reason I find it must have harder the second time around. I took 1mg of sub yesterday after 14 hours of my last dose and it took away about 85% of my withdrawal. I used again hours later (stupid I know...) and also today. My plan is to finish what I have tomorrow night and wake up Friday morning dope sick and take another 1mg. I only have 3mg left. I found from trial and error that I only really need 2mg MAX a day for my withdrawals. The thing is I'm scared if I stop again that I'll suffer from a seizure again. I'm not scared of the seizure itself but of the fact that I'm a shuttle driver for a hotel and if I suffer a seizure while I'm driving I could end up killing not only myself but other people. Is there anything I can do?
I think opioid use doesn't usually cause seizures, and it doesn't help prevent them either. On the other hand, if you've had an epileptic seizure before because of benzo withdrawal, caffeine overdose or something like that, it's possible that you get more of them later for no apparent reason.

I'm sorry that this thread hasn't gotten any attention earlier. I'm going to move this to Sober Living, where it's more likely to get responses. ---> SL
We're you on any other drugs (recreational or prescribed), also were you on any herbal supplements? Opiates usually don't affect siezures. How did the doctors say that your siezure was drug induced? Sorry for all the questions, just need more info.
In some people predisposed to seizures detoxing from opioids doesn't help, but generally it is as Moreaux said, neither class opiates (morphine related stuff, heroin included) nor withdrawal from them seem to induce seizures. The naloxone in Suboxone might have something to do with it, but honestly I have no idea.

Can you get a script for valproic acid OP? That should help prevent any seizures this go around.