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sub doc dirty-ish trick, any ideas?


Dec 23, 2006
Hey so recently my suboxone doctor had switched to zoom (or a similar program) for our apts as he is one of the only suboxone doctors in hours. Espcially that respects and understands I have been on klonopin for seven (maybe 8 years) and via email my sub apt awas changed to a building about 5 hours away, just emailed and said next apt in xyz town and left an address. Pretty freaked, any ideas?
So they're telling you to physically come to an appointment that's 5 hours away by car? I'd contact them and confirm, then ask if they can keep doing Zoom since you can't drive 10 hours round trip for a 15-minute appointment. If not, look for another Doc close by (or ask them for a referral).
With Covid restrictions becoming more lax more Dr.s are stopping zoom and wanting to meet people in person. Same Dr. right? And his office is 5 hours away?

Call him and if he still insists that you have to appear in person you can either tell him you have no way to get there......drive the 5 hours to still get your meds......or find a different Dr.

Did you know that this Dr. was 5 hours away when you started zooming with him? Was he the only one you could find at the time? You must live in a pretty rural area to not have a lot of sub prescribers near you. Does he your klonopin?
I contacted to confirm and he is going to do some kind of online apt and had planned to, just a scary email for some reason informing us of where the 'main hub' was located and for some reason listed my apts as there. I panicked, thats what I do. THANK YOU BLUELIGHT for gettin me through a pretty rough panic attack....YOU CAN CLOSE THIS.....if anyone cares ill still answer the q's though. It's common couurrrtesssssyyyy!!!

VERY RURAL, talkin leave the house 3 times a month for scripts and groceries. North north north. I have been a patient for almost ten years. Not so much as there are no other suboxone doctors but I truly like my doctor; we have a very good rapport *hehe doesnt come so easy for me, I have a hard time bending over and doing the 'shame shuffle' that seems to be expected......and gettin a doc to accept a pot smoker with a klonopin script......in a rural ..... ok ill put it this way, the surgeon didnt know what suboxone was when I had to have emergency surgery. Scary last thing to hear as your going under "this suboxone stuff (mispronounced) must be pretty strong I gave him the fent shot already". Oh yea good night........ Felonious monk for the win; make contact before panic. Thank you as will nurse ratchet. (never thought id say that) haha.