stupid question about flicking off cops

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Here's a story for you all.

Junior year of high school my friends and I had all just got our liscences. We live in a small town where most people know who the high school atheletes are and what not. My cousin was one of the top basketball players in the town and we were leaving a local restaurant with me in the car behind him.

He flipped my and my friends off when he was in the car in front of us. A cop was sitting on the side of the road waiting to pull people over for speeding. My cousin unfortunately had his middle finger out of the sun roof as we passed on by.

The cop pulled him over, cuffed and stuffed him and took him to a jail cell for "breach of peace"

No joke here, they let him sit in a jail cell for hours until I called his father and got him down there. His father happens to work at the towns correctional facility and he threw a fuckin fit. They have since gotten a lawyer and are still trying in the legal process with the police officer.

My cousin was a top student and athlete in the town who had never been in trouble - ever. This cop made his life a living hell for one day.

So technically, they can't arrest you as far as I know - but some cops -if they want to - will find a reason to arrest anyone for anything in this world.

And that's just sad.
what do people get out of flicking off a cop? is it really that thrilling? do you really feel like you are sticking it to the man with such a low-risk, low-reward gesture?

its not that its a thrill to flick off a cop, its that theres no law, atleast there hasn't been one stated in this thread, against giving the bird. cops shouldn't have the right to imprison somebody just because that person used a signal that symbolized that they didn't like/respect/whatever the cop. when opinions start being policed things start going downhill.
^^ The police have been jailing people for such offenses since the inception of the modern police force. It's not that they are trying to police your opinions, it's that they feel you are undermining their authority, and disrespecting them. The bottom line is that if you don't want to go to jail for the night, then you have to show the police a little bit of respect.
Originally posted by ev0l
its not that its a thrill to flick off a cop, its that theres no law, atleast there hasn't been one stated in this thread, against giving the bird. cops shouldn't have the right to imprison somebody just because that person used a signal that symbolized that they didn't like/respect/whatever the cop. when opinions start being policed things start going downhill.

i understand that. but i don't understand what makes people feel big about doing it? what if he is the cop who just caught the crackhead who was going to murder your family member for some crack-money?

as i say, flicking off a cop is a low-risk, low-reward, meaningless gesture. if you have a problem with the man and you're not a complete idiot, there must be 10^6 more creative ways of making your opinion mean something...

i agree completly with yall, and i understand the principle. maybe its just me being young and in "that stage" or whatever, but i don't like the idea of an organization funded by me working 45 hrs a week to hire people that think they can force respect on me. in my mind cops shouldn't be hired if they can't earn respect through their actions. i mean if you have to jail someone because mommy those boys don't like me...
i'm not saying their policing my opinion. but the actions they take are allowed in situations like this far too often, a blind eye is cast, and its not a hopless cause to expect better than that from both our legal system down to our street cops.
my opinion doesn't have to "mean" anything, if its validation is soley derived from you, you as in anyone else, then none of our opinions mean anything.
a little tact would actually earn respect just as well.
you talk about the importance of respect? i think that word gets thrown a round so much it's lost much of its meaning.

how about you kick-start the virtuous circle of respect by not flicking off cops?

i think i may have come across slightly skewed. i wasn't condoning the act of disrespect. i guess i was goin along the lines of two wrongs don't make a right, or the likes. flicking off the cop was just an example...a stupid idea and pointless to practice.
i was more pointing out the flaws in criteria, or lack there of, for selecting our public servants, than trying to rationalize the behavior.
i know what respect is, an endangered species it may be. or atleast mutated.
i also know of situations i've been in when flicking off the cop would have been justified to the fullest.
or maybe i'm only making sense to myself. weed and rationalizing, shaken not stirred.
why dont you just drive over the witches hats at a RBT (random breath test) on purpose - and say it was a mistake. I'm sure that will make their day.
OK what about this - I've got a t-shirt that says "fuck you asshole" in huge letters across the front which I've worn out to bars before. Could I be arrested and charged for wearing this, even though i'm not actually saying anything? If so, could the shop that sold the shirt be charged? How about the company (Golf Punk) that made it?
Actually, what you should do is to wear the shirt whilst standing in front of a mirror and kick your own arse.=D
you're brain is really smaller than a pea isn't it?
go rinse the sand out of your vagina sweetheart
Oh, the humanity. I stayed out of this one for a reason. Now I know why.

Closed. This topic merits no further discussion and I am very disappointed in some of you. What a way to start my morning.
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