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Strange experience with NE1 - Overdose perhaps?


Nov 10, 2013
I was on amphetamine, and this usually makes me less sensitive to noids, so sprinkled dust on the pipe like I usually do, and repeatedly the process until reaching the desired headspace. I got a bit impatient and loaded a little chunk in there. I don't think it was a coincidence that 5 minutes later I found myself in possibly the most bizarre state I have ever been in, and coming from me thats saying a fair bit. Sleep paralysis, the k-hole, psychosis, sally breakthrough, alright I admit some of those were much strange, not even comparable but this one was kind of like a cross between psychosis, sleep paralysis and a borderline dissociative hole, for the whole thing I was thinking (I must have done some dissociatives) because I felt like I was at the threshhold of the hole. I was kind of paralysed and I slid off my chair in extremely slow motion (maybe subjective), seemed like it took minutes before I was finally off the chair and lying on the ground unable to do anything. There was more than just paralysis, there was this strange zooming, snapping thing going on with my consciousness, it reminded me of a GHB overdose or where you suddenly wake up and have no idea where you are but this was different, my consciousness was actually zooming in and out and making this swooshing noise as it did. My vision was spinning and blurring too. Its impossible to explain all this with words, but it was definitely one of the trippiest experiences I've ever had, it was like a cross between a 5-MeO-DALT + PCP trip and a GHB overdose. There was visuals that I don't see on PCP but might see on 5-MeO-DALT and I was constantly in the process of regaining my mental faculties which reminded me of a GHB overdose. Everytime things "whooshed" I was a little less incapacitated but for the most part, I spend the whole thing lying on the floor trying to figure out what was going on. There were thoughts going on in the background of my head, some kinda mental conversation in which things were being decided but I wasn't part of that process because I was too incapacitated.

I wasn't scared because I knew it must have been a short acting substance(s) that caused the state but at the same time, it was a first, I'd never been in a state like that before. I couldn't remember doing the noids, but I knew I'd done some kind of substance (I was sure I did dissociatives, but in reality I didn't, I never mix dissos with speed) but I felt like no substance could cause this particular state, so I started getting the idea that this is some kinda paranormal curse put on me, so I was trying to think who could, would wanna and would be able to do something like that. I couldn't come up with a very big list of potential candidates lol. So then I settied on the idea that this was some kind of spiritual phenomon happening, like the day of reckoning or something, so while I was reassuring myself I'd be back to normal once the substances wore off, I was also thinking this might be permanent, and that was a harsh though because this state wasn't a good one, it was more of an unpleasant, unexpected, what the fuck have I gotten myself into state.