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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Strange but Interesting Experience With Pot


Sep 8, 2012
I have had some other isolated unusual reactions to the ganj before that were quite fascinating but this one puzzles me due to its un-pot like nature. Maybe I have some weird brain chemistry or something? For some odd reason, this particular 'high' came with the "alerts" and an inability to sleep. Why, I have no idea, because I have had this stuff before so it certainly was not laced at all.

3:00- Ingest some marijuana (0.45g of chronic) and experienced what is a normal mild-moderate high for me after it kicked in around 5:00

7:00- I decide to ingest some more pot (another 0.3-0.4g or so of same chronic). Quickly, I begin to feel significantly higher =D and a bit energized

8:00- I decide to ingest yet more weed (another 0.3-0.4g of chronic) bringing the total up to about a gram-ish ingested. I decide to walk around campus a bit with the intention of going to a party. I leave the library around 8:30 or so and on my way out I begin to notice an unusual "alert" feeling :? This is not like what usually happens while high for me.

8:45- I decide to go to the party in this alert, awake, and highly energized "out there" mindstate.

9:00- At the party, I socialize for a while with no intention of eating any of the food they have out because I feel restless, hyper, imaginative, and the mountain dew I am drinking tastes weird. Overall, this is a very interesting experience and I feel very sociable when I just happen to see my friend there. I feel like I have all these incredible insights about people at the party and feel like I notice every little gesture in a very exaggerated way :?. Not like weed is usually for me though all in all I did ingest about a gram which was more than I intended by a lot because I forgot that a lot of it was loaded with kief so basically I took a gram of about 2/3-possibly 3/4 kief with no tolerance

9:30- I start feeling like my body is doing stuff that it isn't and I almost wonder for occasional seconds if my body is doing something I don't realize it is. I also notice time has drastically slowed down and when I go into the bathroom I realize that time slowed down almost like a second was like this infinite stretch of time like a brief second of eternity. It was really weird. I called someone and realized that the brief fraction of a second before the message prompter comes on seemed to take several minutes when really it is just a little click that doesn't even last a second =D This was seriously awesome and I mean seriously awesome like one of the top ten most awesome chemically induced moments of my life

10:00- I leave the party due to more and more of these weird time skips, weird stuff happening, and not wanting certain people do realize I'm basically drugged out of my mind

10:30- On my walk home, I realize that the walk feels like hours when its really just a few minutes. It also feels like as I walk the road keeps getting longer =D

11:00- I get home and notice some trippy images/patterns glowing on stuff, especially when I look. When I close my eyes, I see cool looking stuff. I keep having these great insights about things and realize I got to change my act up a little. I talk to some family members who have no idea I'm messed up

11:30- I go back out to walk around some more and have this great idea that really was an awesome idea but I cant say what it was because I don't want anyone to know that it was thought up while under the influence of something illegal lol =D

12:00- I get home and see some more cool images/patterns lighting up on stuff, weird because I haven't really had this happen while stoned before. I still feel highly energetic and cannot sleep.

1:30- I am finally able to attempt to sleep, but it still takes quite a while (until about 3:30 AM) to actually fall asleep. I keep getting up and stuff. Still no munchies like I usually get with weed

5:00- I wake up still high as balls, but no longer feeling that weird high energy awake and alert feeling from before. I go back to sleep

9:00- Still pretty high when I wake up. I go back to sleep

12:30-1 PM- I wake up and get going for the day and get some work and stuff done no problem

In summary, weed effected me a lot differently this time even though I got a lot higher than I usually do weed just doesn't usually do this to me. Maybe it has something to do with that I've been very into lucid dreaming lately :)
sure your orientation makes you open to some experiences that might be skipped
mountain dew has high caffeine which also pushes the alertness factor
also this is ingested pot, so the digestive system keeps adding psychedelic value to your blood for about 4 hours from each intake and you had 3 intakes.
I say it's to be expected.
sounds great.
I had the most terrifying & powerful out of body experience on marijuana as a kid. Marjuana is capable of so many variable effects I guess it'll be some time before we've quantified them all, if ever... It's stimulating, sedating, psychedelic, dissocative, analgesic, hypnotic. You name it, marijuana is capable of producing that effect!
Damn sounds like a hell of a night, wish I could experience some of those weird pschedelic-like time distortions you talked about when I'm high /: