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Stopping psychotic break


Oct 7, 2016
Has anyone ever used meds like antipsychotics or benzos to stop a psychotic break o to prevent it from happening . Has anyone ever experienced drug induced psychosis and gone tripping after ? If so how did you prevent a future psychotic episode from occurring while on drugs
I've done both. Took 2 tabs of LSD one day (after having a previous psychotic/manic episode triggered by LSD around 6 or 7 months before) and I could feel myself going psychotic (paranoid, delusional, etc) so I took 2mg of lorazepam and 7.5mg of olanzapine (they were prescribed to my bf, not me) and it ended the trip. was back to normal (sleepier than normal actually) within an hour

as for preventing drug-induced psychosis - I'd say some of it is luck, but my best piece of advice would be to sleep every night, ideally at least 8 hours, no matter how awake or wired you feel (I find that even if I'm super awake still, if I lie down and turn all the lights off, I will eventually sleep) not sleeping enough or pulling all nighters makes everything 100x worse
I've done both. Took 2 tabs of LSD one day (after having a previous psychotic/manic episode triggered by LSD around 6 or 7 months before) and I could feel myself going psychotic (paranoid, delusional, etc) so I took 2mg of lorazepam and 7.5mg of olanzapine (they were prescribed to my bf, not me) and it ended the trip. was back to normal (sleepier than normal actually) within an hour

as for preventing drug-induced psychosis - I'd say some of it is luck, but my best piece of advice would be to sleep every night, ideally at least 8 hours, no matter how awake or wired you feel (I find that even if I'm super awake still, if I lie down and turn all the lights off, I will eventually sleep) not sleeping enough or pulling all nighters makes everything 100x worse

Thanks for the advise :) . So has there been many moments after your psychotic break that you've been able to trip successfully ? Do you always use those meds ? Or only if you start getting the symptoms
I'm not sure that the question is whether it is possible to trip again successfully after having had a psychotic break but what the odds are of going psychotic again and what it means for your sensitivity to be psychotic in general.

It's also perhaps a different story if a person is really changed for a while after a trip, or whether the paranoia is just unusual during the trip but everything just subsides again just fine when the drug wears off. In other words: how psychotic was it really, and how drug-induced.

I never really had psychotic symptoms, I used to think it happened once but later had to classify it as a benzo-induced blackout while on LSD rather than an LSD-induced psychosis while on alprazolam. Although the LSD probably didn't help me and it took quite a long time for me to come down (then again it would be typical if I redosed on benzos during my blackout, I don't know about that). I acted bizarrely during the blackout but not paranoid etc.

Despite not having reason to believe I am sensitive or unusually susceptible I keep a Seroquel on hand now when I trip because nobody is immune.

About your situation: don't be too late to decide that it's better for you to not trip again or at least take a long break. It does depend on how serious the signs are and how stable you are while sober, possibly as well as whether you are a habitual cannabis smoker which worsens the whole case.
The thing is that about a year ago I had a really bad trip and got so paranoid and delusional after smoking cannabis in a university where everyone saw me smoke , I suppose it was wrong set and setting that triggered this as for me I felt that I had gained myself a bad reputation towards the world. I ended up running to my moms house and the effects wouldn't go away I started panicking more and I was like this for days I was then put on meds but after I came down from the marijuana induced psychosis I became depressed and I didn't want to go outside of my house because I thought the world knew what I had done .. I felt like I had failed humanity ... yeah fucked up . But I want to trip on psychedelics again to know where those fears come from and I want to face them eventually . Don't plan on doing it as a recreational thing . More like a spiritual approach to understanding myself better and healing
I never really had psychotic symptoms, I used to think it happened once but later had to classify it as a benzo-induced blackout while on LSD rather than an LSD-induced psychosis while on alprazolam. Although the LSD probably didn't help me and it took quite a long time for me to come down (then again it would be typical if I redosed on benzos during my blackout, I don't know about that). I acted bizarrely during the blackout but not paranoid etc.

Despite not having reason to believe I am sensitive or unusually susceptible I keep a Seroquel on hand now when I trip because nobody is immune.

Was there any hypomania which contributed to this? Weirdly, benzos don't send me to sleep, they appear to induce a state resembling hypomania for me; and I always wonder, in particular if this actually is a hypomanic state, whether or not other people could be oddly more susceptible to psychosis after administration of a benzo and a psych? I can definitely picture why. Kind of like how I could see a PCP analogue and a benzo, with the ability to redose, going wrong.
Maybe the similarity you see is just disinhibition?

I was disinhibited at the time for sure but don't believe I was hypomanic. Yeah 3-MeO-PCP makes me hypomanic as standard response and pregabaline used to before I developed some tolerance. I've never had a benzo blackout at any other time and I don't get hypomania from benzos.

Benzos are not all the same and certainly not all as hypnotic, so the question is: which ones don't send you to sleep?

I used to self-medicate with benzos which was bad, and could function with alprazolam and/or diazepam but nowadays if I take a small dose of etizolam while I don't get sleepy per se I do get tired.

Zininoni, feeling self-aware about everyone seeing you smoke doesn't seem completely unreal and unfair even if it is disproportionate. But disproportionate reactions with acid and weed don't necessarily seem psychotic if you ask me. Feeling insecure or afraid to go out for a longer time is more serious, but still rather than psychotic it sounds more like the trip had a heavy impact and made you feel sensitive. Feeling some sort of guilt is one thing, that everyone knows seems extreme - unrealistic perhaps that everyone would gossip that about you but idk if it's really crazy.

Definitely pay more attention to set and setting then in the future and don't inadvertently expose yourself to something you are not prepared for like being in public and doing something there like smoking weed... What you describe doesn't make me go: "if I were you I would never trip again", but you should still use your own judgment to take into consideration how stable or unstable you are and were then.
You might wanna not smoke weed during the trip and take a lower dose of a psychedelic if you do decide to proceed, so that it's mild but still opened up so that you can make contact with yourself so to speak. Maybe keep an antipsychotic on hand for real emergencies, although if it's just a difficult rather than mentally ill experience don't take it...
On Monday I was able to trip successfully with some LSA from some morning glorys (I didn't want to try something heavy so I went with this option). At first I had a lot of energy I wanted to do exercise dance and move a lot. I thought it was great that it was going to be an awesome experience. I was alone at home and after a while the colors started getting brighter and that's when I felt it , I knew some visuals would appear but it didn't happen soon . My mom got home and told me that I wanted to go with her for my brother at his dance class. I thought to myself fuck im so high but then I said to myself maybe the medicine wants to show me that I've got to overcome my social anxiety and fear of what others think of me and so I went with her. We went walking and we had the best conversation we've had in a long time. I got to my bros class and I saw him I was so happy and at the same time my visuals had gotten more dense, I was seeing people getting buffed up or skinnier. We walked home and I saw how we are energetic beings and how the way we feel transmits the vibrational level of our energy . We ordered some tacos and the guys right there didn't look so friendly so I started having a bad trip and I said fuck it I'm not going to panic so I didn't . We got home and I started to see myself really fat so I didn't want to eat (I'm sort of athletic but with a lil belly) then I my mind was imagining really messed up things and yeah I did start to panic so I took my risperidone and after a while I started cooling down I ended up telling my Bro that I had tooken some seeds and he told me that I wasn't worrying because the seeds I was worrying because I had things to do responsibilitys to face and he was right. So after the lessons of the medicine of the morning glory here I am on my way to my future job facing my responsibilities