steroids for muscle (i'm clueless)


Mar 7, 2015
I don't know the first thing about steroids.
I want to take them to gain muscle weight though.
I have high as fuck testosterone levels anyway, by the way.

Can someone tell me something i could do, to like, take steroids safely, to get more muscle, and a workout program maybe, to get my muscles bigger? I'm already average sized but I would really like to be 220 pounds instead of 150, you know what I mean?

Again, I know nothing about steroids.
1 - I can tell you with certainty that steroids are not for you at this time.

2 - you should read the stickies at the top of this forum section, they'll give you a lot of good information to start with.

3 - Steroids are a very big thing with very real long term effects and potential side effects. They're not something you just "give a shot" for the hell of it, like you can with a lot of other things on Bluelight.

4 - steroids are NOT for you at this time.
I worked out for a year and I honestly just want to have better results this year.
If you have high testosterone levels, then please take my advice and refrain from using steroids.

You have a good thing going for you, don't mess it up.
Good, you've got a year under your belt. Use what knowledge you learned from this year of lifting to improve over the next year. Then perhaps after a total of at least 3 years dedicated lifting, you should hopefully possess the knowledge and experience required to consider AAS use. If you've already got naturally high testosterone, you should be getting great results as it is. If you're not getting great results, steroids won't help - you're doing it wrong already.

First you must learn to do things the correct way naturally by putting in the hard hours and researching. Steroids won't make up for having no idea what you're actually doing in the gym or the kitchen. If you knew what you were doing, you wouldn't be here making such a ludicrous suggestion of jumping on the gear for faster results. High natural testosterone should see you getting 'fast' results already - again, if you're doing it right.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but the moment you feel the need to start a thread like this should be the moment you realise steroids aren't for you - at least not yet :)

Just give it a couple of years until you've learned all the ins and outs of lifting schedules and you have your diet on point (or at least know how to, lol). Once you've hit your natural potential from doing it correctly, then and only then should you consider stepping into the world of AAS.

Steroids are certainly not something to just play around with coz you want gains. You can do serious damage to your body's natural hormone production (among other things) should you just jump on the gear without having a clue what you're doing or why.
If you havent already peaked phsically (and by peaked i mean your body has reached the point were it naturally cant fit anymore muscle {key word naturally}). That is the ideal time to start taking steroids.

a 150 pound man should not be taking steroids in my opinion. you can pack on more muscle. its all about your bones bro. you muscles are attached to your bones. if you have a longer humerous theres more room for muscle. wider chest, more space for chest muscle. you genetic potential depends on the size and shape of your skeleton. You can get to 220 without steroids. but you cant be arnold without them. dont be that guy who buys gear right after he buys his first gym membership.
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If you havent already peaked phsically (and by peaked i mean your body has reached the point were it naturally cant fit anymore muscle {key word naturally}). That is the ideal time to start taking steroids.

a 150 pound man should not be taking steroids in my opinion. you can pack on more muscle. its all about your bones bro. you muscles are attached to your bones. if you have a longer humerous theres more room for muscle. wider chest, more space for chest muscle. you genetic potential depends on the size and shape of your skeleton. You can get to 220 without steroids. but you cant be arnold without them. dont be that guy who buys gear right after he buys his first gym membership.

Could not have been said better, especially that last line. Boom.
Okay I see what you mean. Thanks for the help too, I didn't want to take steroids and fuck myself up
We're only trying to give you the right advice buddy :) after a few years, even if you can't "justify" steroid use, you'll have much better experience and knowledge than you do if you do decide "fuckit, Ima jump on the gear now", you will be able to go about it in a much more advisable way without screwing yourself up :)

The temptation is all too real, especially these days...but once you're fully aware of what you're considering getting yourself into, you might realise just how stupid your (well, probably 'our') generation is when they dismiss cautionary warnings and start popping dbol without understanding it's going to shut down their natural test production, and not understanding this is what will lead them to long term problems when they simply don't recover properly afterwards.

AAS are definitely one of the "drugs" you don't want to dabble in without fully knowing what you're in for. They're much more of a commitment too - if you're going to start, be prepared to commit to the long haul. That means proper cycle planning, ensuring you have any supporting compounds on hand and read like aromatase inhibitors, and proper PCT (again ensuring you have everything on hand BEFORE you start). Be aware of potential side effects depending on chosen compounds (though stick with just plain testosterone for your first cycle) and how to handle them. Also you really need to make sure you've already got a good solid lifting schedule and diet, because without those you're not going to reap the full benefits of hormone supplementation :)

Stick around in this section for a while though man, even if you don't do a cycle any time soon, the information you can pick up just from browsing these threads will be very handy in your future decisions :)
Yes stick around and read read read. I was active here in SD for over a year and an active member on gh15 where I read Daily about how to do this thing. Wasn't til then I even felt comfortable starting the long journey. I'll be real, I thought I could just do one cycle... Hah.
hahahaha yes exactly as Serotonin said - beware, even if you just wanna do a cycle to see what it's like....just one....the bug will bite and you'll find yourself on a very long journey chasing the gains :p while that sounds fun, realise it's a real commitment and you should probably be prepared to commit to this stuff as a lifestyle rather than a hobby