Steroids at 16


Mar 3, 2015
one of my friends wants to take steroids..he's been working out since he was 13. He's 5'8 and half and growing still weighing at about 157 pounds at about 11% body fat..he can bench 245 military 155 and deadlift 325 and squat 275. Should he wait and get more stronger and bigger naturally still? Or is it possible to take a cycle and still retain muscle and strength gains?

P.S. Absolutely do not take steroids at 16. Tell your "friend" to educate himself before he does some damage.

P.S. Absolutely do not take steroids at 16. Tell your "friend" to educate himself before he does some damage.

Okay that does not help whatsoever.. I'd like the evidence to behind to why he should not take steroids. Not just a no. He most likely wouldn't but if he did he'd do a 1 cycle of test, deca, and dianabol and that'd be his last..

Unless there is a better cycle someone can suggest ..
Okay that does not help whatsoever.. I'd like the evidence to behind to why he should not take steroids. Not just a no. He most likely wouldn't but if he did he'd do a 1 cycle of test, deca, and dianabol and that'd be his last..

Unless there is a better cycle someone can suggest ..

The best suggestion would be to for you and your friend to educate yourselves a lot more, as already suggested AND MORE IMPORTANT wait until HPTA is fully developed, which isn't at age 16.
Need evidence? Tried google?

Also that would be truly headless to do a 19-NOR in a first cycle and at that age.

The last cycle you say? It could potentially induce a lifetime need for exogenous testosterone at that age and I would say the risk is pretty high
one of my friends wants to take steroids..he's been working out since he was 13. He's 5'8 and half and growing still weighing at about 157 pounds at about 11% body fat..he can bench 245 military 155 and deadlift 325 and squat 275. Should he wait and get more stronger and bigger naturally still? Or is it possible to take a cycle and still retain muscle and strength gains?

Just because his lifts are above average doesn't qualify him for AAS at 16... As previously stated the HPTA is by no means fully developed at 16, high estrogenic response could prematurely close epiphyseal growth plates in long bones stunting growth, he may end up on hormone replacement for the rest of his life... etc etc...
Don't do it man. I am on steroids for a medical reason, Hypogonadism. If your friend has no medical issues, he is only developing at the moment, and his testosterone levels should be sky high anyway. If he uses the steroids incorrectly he runs the risk of ruining his bodies natural testosterone production, and ending up what I am on.
Your "friend", whom we all know is simply YOU trying to to avoid making yourself sound stupid (which by doing so, have made yourself sound even MORE stupid), would be a complete idiot to touch anabolics at such a young age. You were given an answer by Mel22 (albeit a bit of a joke answer.....for what could only be a joke of a question), which you arrogantly disregarded simply because it didn't explain enough for you. Here's an idea - do your own research. Or better yet - get your "friend" to do it for himself.

The best cycle for your "friend" (oh for fucks sake....YOU) would be to continue hard training and proper dieting, taking full advantage of your body's already naturally high testosterone levels.

Do not even consider touching AAS until you're at least 24-25. Any earlier than that and you risk major developmental problems due to suppression of your HPTA, and as others said potential growth-stunting.

The only reason that isn't medical to touch AAS at your age (and NOT a justifiable one) would be if you absolutely 1000000000% intend on devoting every moment of your life from here on to bodybuilding, and have no other goals than to become Mr Olympia. Knowing this isn't your intentions, I must repeat once more - DO NOT TOUCH AAS AT YOUR AGE.

I'd recommend speaking to a therapist of some kind though. Multiple personalities could also pose issues for you.
one of my friends wants to take steroids..he's been working out since he was 13. He's 5'8 and half and growing still weighing at about 157 pounds at about 11% body fat..he can bench 245 military 155 and deadlift 325 and squat 275. Should he wait and get more stronger and bigger naturally still? Or is it possible to take a cycle and still retain muscle and strength gains?

I think everything has already been said, no one in there right mind, with any care for their future health would consider AAS at 16...
You probably have an inch or two left to grow, and also your shoulder girdle could continue to widen until you're about 21. I wouldn't risk losing that by starting gear so young.

Try to hold out another 4-5 years. Spend that time really researching what to do, learning how to minimise side-effects, perfecting your training and most especially your nutrition. There's plenty of natural test boosters and supplements that you could be researching and adding to your arsenal while you wait.
dont do it bro. i started cycling right after my 18th birthday. did a cycle, looked and felt great. then 6 months later got on another cycle, and that cycle lasted 2 and a half years. stopped pinning about 6 weeks ago. and i highly doubt i'll ever be able to recover natural levels after being surpressed for so many years. i might be able to come close.. but it would take like a year and i dont want to waste years of my life being depressed at 22 who cant fuck his girl right. right now i have 0 confidence especially around girls. when im drunk and on drugs everything is fine, but im not always drunk and on drugs lol.

now i am 21, almost 22, and im paying the prices for my mistakes. don't do it bro. i wish i could have naturally high test levels. trust me, i know you really want it now, to be big and ripped and you definitely will be if you take steroids, but overall (for me) it wasn't worth it.