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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(St John's Wort, approx. 5 grams) - Dysphoric dreams about children's datura


Apr 11, 2011
Hey all, so, recently there was a topic about mugwort 'addiction' that everyone found funny. It reminded me of the 30g bag of mugworts I purchased a few months back. I never had any noticeable effect from vaporising it or drinking it in tea, except maybe a good night's sleep, though it's reputed to improve dream recall and give the user more psychadelic, and sometimes lucid, dreams.

So, last night I decided to take shitloads of the stuff and see if anything happened. Here's the not-too-serious 'trip' recount.

I took about fifteen teaspoons of wort and strained it through a teapot. It took maybe five cups to drink it all. I've become accustomed to the highly bitter, grassy taste of the stuff, so this was no problem.

I went to sleep at 1:30a.m. and woke up at 4:30a.m. feeling refreshed and alert. I don't seem to need any more sleep. So that's interesting.

My dreams were... weird and unpleasant. It might be a coincidence or placebo, or it might have actually been the very large amount of mugworts - you're supposed to only take one or two teaspoons. Anyway, my dreamscape was a chaotic mess. I was just very confused through the three hours of sleep, with crazy thoughts similar to the micropsia-induced fever dreams I had as a child, and to the psychotic break I had recently on magic mushrooms, though not nearly as bad as either of those experiences.

I dreamt about drugs. All about drugs. I dreamt I was considering taking mushrooms again, at only half a gram this time, and that members of Bluelight were milling around me, commenting on it. Solipsis was advising me not to. Unfortunately, just by thinking about doing it, I managed to ingest the half gram, and immediately regretted it as I was plunged back into the nightmarish effect tryptamines seem to have on my brain. I thought I was high on mushrooms again, and cursed my stupidity at having done this to myself again.

When I woke up, the faint reminder of my bad experience was enough for me to feel almost certain I would never touch drugs again.

The only other thing I can recall clearly is thinking about 'children's datura'. This is something I read about yesterday in a book on shamanism. Apparently there's a culture where they give young children a mild form of datura, so as to reinforce their spirit guardian and ensure they survive childhood. I found this horrifying. In the dream, this returned as a thought loop. "Datura for children? How can they give children datura? That's horrible!" - over and over again. In retrospect, it was quite funny.

On waking, as from any other dream, my state of mind was immediately back to normal. I then found it impossible to get back to sleep.

Anyone else had any sort of experience with mugworts? I hear it mixes strongly with cannabis.
St. John's Wort is an SSRI antidepressant, what the hell were you trying to get high on it for?