Spencer, Spencer, where art thou Spencer


May 22, 2001
Spence - .
I just want to clarify a few things for you. First off I don't hate you or anyone else for that matter. I'm a fun-loving easy going person who ejnoys the hell out of life. Secondly, I didn't mean to inslut ANYONE with my topic "Binkies are for Babies". All I did was ask a question. People starting getting a bit personal so I started back in on them. Was I serious? No. This is an on-line "rave and party community board". You are all my frends even though I'll more than likely never meet most of you. But those who do meet me will know that I like to tease and goof off. Sometimes I stir the pot. Did I go to far? Perhaps. In fact I'd say yes. I think that some of you left the R out out PLUR and showed little respect for my opinions, which is fine. I understand how the click scene works. You've known these people for a lot longer than I have and no matter what you say they'll take up for you and that's cool too. Anyway. In closing let me just say this. I apologize for the threating remarks and in the future I'll steer clear of you. I hope that you have a great time at Pitch Black, as well as the others.
Let me just leave you with this thought. This message board isn't real life. Try not to take it all so seriously. Give strangers the same respect that you gvie the old school Blue Lighters. They have just as much of a right to be here as any of you.
Once again I'm sorry if I insulted ANY of you....see you on the dance floor...
The music is the drug,
apology accepted...but just keep in mind that something said in sarcasm does not translate to sarcasm over the internet. there is no way to differentiate (sp?) between serious or sarcastic, unless you know the person.
and never attack someone's motivations for partying, because that is the biggest insult you can deal on this board.
"Never never never never never never let me me go" she says
"Hold me like ths for a hundred thousand million days"
but suddenly she slows
and looks down at my breaking face
"why do you cry? what did i say?"
"but its just rain" i smile
brushing my tears away...