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Poetry Sold out

Juniper Bruhmomentius

Bluelight Crew
May 10, 2019
When a rat racer tells you
You are a shit person
I think
Thank you
When a homeless person tells me
You are a good person
I tell him
I love you
Because he actually has integrity
And is profoundly intellectual
Its hard for me to connect with stupid people
If this sounds narcissistic to you
I say
Truth hurts
When a rat racer tells you
You are a shit person
I think
Thank you
When a homeless person tells me
You are a good person
I tell him
I love you
Because he actually has integrity
And is profoundly intellectual
Its hard for me to connect with stupid people
If this sounds narcissistic to you
I say
Truth hurts
I always read your poems when I see them because I know they're going to be short and sweet. You obviously understand your audience or at least your audience's attention span.

A little narcissism never hurt anybody. And I too romanticize the down and out. How many homeless people can there be in Finland 12 or 13? Have you met all of them? If so then you could be telling the truth they could all be heavily into Dostoevsky.
Ive met 10+ in the past 30 months. schizophrenics mostly.

I can write proper poetry too. Go check out "addicted to addiction" . But yeah thanks, little narcissism never hurt anyone. Funnily enough people dont realize this is fucking online site and Im a autistic fuck in real life.