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Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) - The Best Drug

Pregabalin (Lyrica) is great for social anxiety disorder. Great production of sense well-being empathy and anti-anxiety relief. Makes me crave to be out in social situations.

then thats what I need. I spend most of my time alone in my room with the door shut, shooting morphine all day, and smoking cigs.
pregabalin (lyrica) hands down.
Agreed, though I have much easier access to it's weaker (but otherwise identical) cousin gabapentin. I don't have social anxiety disorder, but they are very calming without being at all sedating, Actually sort of stimulating, though not in the manner or to the degree of amphetamines or ritalin. Also great for comedowns and drug cravings of all kinds. And better painkillers than NSAIDS (though not in the same league as opiods).
wow man! 30mg of clonaz? isn't that a really really big dose? And i agree it's not very recreational I was just saying it's been my most effective benzo for treating anxiety.

its quite a high dose but due to its subtle effects (ime) it wouldnt effect me as if i were to take 30mg alprazolam even though on the ashton scale there equivilant of each other.

i used to take clonazepam 10 at a time (20mg) let them dissolve in my mouth (lovely minty taste) with very little if any noticable effect.

but many,many people swear by clonazepam,for these people they are the ultimate anti-anxiety benzo
Diazepam is the only benzo I've been Rx'd and i found it better for sleep than SAD, 20mg a night done the trick

Yes I know that's the reason I had written : The only Benzo I was using for SAD is DIAZEPAM : but I'm to tired during the day with this one and it is not really effective for SAD but very good for GAD
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Lexapro worked wonders for my SAD, but it took a month before I started noticing full effects. I feel so much better, plus working out and staying clean from drugs also really helped.

Dunno why your saying all antidepressents are shit....maybe you havent found the right one??

I went through 2 different anti psychotics and 4 different anti depressents (paxil, zoloft, efexor, and finally lexapro) until I found that lexapro was the best. It really has saved my life and I feel great.

And btw, anti depressents are not even close to the true EVIL of benzos. If your looking for a cure of SAD then thats the worst thing you could possibly do because good luck coming off.

And yes im aware coming off of anti depressents is bad as well, but nothing compared to benzo addiction.

Good luck.

Thanks LonE1 for your interesting advice. What's your daily dosage of LEXAPRO, also what was your daily dosage with Efexor because I know Venlafaxine so I can compare both drugs (I already tried venlafaxine but had only a minor success, Paxil no success and Zoloft no success)

But YES, I never tried LEXAPRO, could be the solution...
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its quite a high dose but due to its subtle effects (ime) it wouldnt effect me as if i were to take 30mg alprazolam even though on the ashton scale there equivilant of each other.

i used to take clonazepam 10 at a time (20mg) let them dissolve in my mouth (lovely minty taste) with very little if any noticable effect.

but many,many people swear by clonazepam,for these people they are the ultimate anti-anxiety benzo

yea clonazepam is very subtle but I laugh to myself everytime i think about taking 30mg at a time! it just seems rediculous. that's taking half my script at once! i get 60 (1mg).

LOL and to think of 30mg of alpraz... no way in hell would i remember anything for days, i honestly think i'd die. i thought i had a decent/high benzo tolerance but i guess not?
Sure. I've been using tramadol for a long time. Before I discovered tramadol I noticed I was a very anxious teen and had social anxiety as well. After starting tramadol those ailments disappeared. Tramadol seems to be great for all kinds of mental disturbances.

Yes great drug, but like all opiates you will be relatively quickly addicted that's the problem with Tramadol. Anyway it's a great choice, tramadol has also properties for moderate depressions (not for severe depression : always ask a psychiatrist if you have a severe depression, don't use self medication it can be fatal)
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yea clonazepam is very subtle but I laugh to myself everytime i think about taking 30mg at a time! it just seems rediculous. that's taking half my script at once! i get 60 (1mg).

LOL and to think of 30mg of alpraz... no way in hell would i remember anything for days, i honestly think i'd die. i thought i had a decent/high benzo tolerance but i guess not?

it is maybe a tipo (or not...)
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then thats what I need. I spend most of my time alone in my room with the door shut, shooting morphine all day, and smoking cigs.

If you shoot morphine all days, be carefull pregabline maybe not the solution ask a psy as you already use daily Hard Drugs. Don't do experiments according a single example

First use of pregabline is an anticonvulsant and a antiepileptics
but, yes, It has also been found effective for GAD...
it is maybe a tipo (or not...)
im sorry to say its not a typo :eek:

i once had such a bad habit/high tolerance to benzos that i could take 20-30mg alprazolam at a time.

it's not big and its not clever (a bit like a dyslexic dwarf) but its the unfortunate truth of what can happen if you chronically abuse benzos.
im sorry to say its not a typo :eek:

i once had such a bad habit/high tolerance to benzos that i could take 20-30mg alprazolam at a time.

it's not big and its not clever (a bit like a dyslexic dwarf) but its the unfortunate truth of what can happen if you chronically abuse benzos.

OK no problem %)
What's your daily dosage ?

I take 600mg/daily. Max dose. I've been on it for over a year so I have a tolerance, that is the reason for the high dose. I consider 450mg to be the perfect dose for someone without such a tolerance