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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

So whats you funniest or most fucked up story that you have on any drug

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one time I was sick, and I never brought my works with me to the dope spot, so I had to drive 20 mins there, get my diesel, and drive 20 mins. back, and I had to shit for the first timein like a week, so I got on the toilet. btw, my room and bathroom were in the basement so the toilet was up on a pedestal so it was like 2 stairs to get up onto the toilet. so there I was taking a shit and cooking up a shot. did the shot on the toilet. woke up 45 mins later on the floor (even down the 2 stairs) with my pants around my ankles and shit still in my ass. luckily nobody came downstairs into my room because my bathroom door was open and stuff.
yep, I woke up, wiped my ass with my wet wipes I use, and then proceeded to take a piece over to my friends house to let him try. as soon as I got there, I threw the piece at him and ran to the restroom to throw up. I was HIGH!


I'd also like to add that it was a grey (I described it as concrete coloured) chunk heroin, that was real hard to break a piece off of and powder down.
thats not funny... thats just sad and embarassing

this isn't the FUNNIEST thing that's happened to me, but we were all lol'in like there was no tomorrow.

me and 3 buddies were at some school tryna find a spot to spkar up our jib pipe. we threw open the lid to a cardboard dumpster, and seeing that it was empty savse for a few pieces of ccardboard to use as seats.

my one buddy had left and when he got back he called me.

"where are you?"

"we're in the dumpster! lolol"

so he came over, picked up the lid and vaulted himself over the side of the dumpster, catching himself and sending himself into some sort of awkward flip. he landed with his feet sticking out of the dumpster.

then the lid fell back down on him. since his feet were facing backwards, they were left sticking out of the dumpster, and he looked so ridiculous that we couldn't start laughing.

then some guy showed up and pulled the lid up, letting buddy slide to the bottm. he looked at all 4 of us sitting in the dumpster and just shook his head and walked off lol
please review the BLUA and BDD forum guidelines, this isn't the forum for thid discussion.

take it to the social in DC

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