• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void



Jun 16, 2010
Hello everyone, I'm new!

You can call me snope and I'm about two hours south of Chicago. I'm a fifteen year old Polish kid and turning sixteen on July 28th. I enjoy skating and spending time with friends. When I'm at home most of my time is spent playing video games like CS, Quake, etc., If I'm not gaming then I'm listening to music or reading up about some substance on Erowid.

I spend my days with a close group of friends who are all into skating and old-school video games. They're all pot-heads and are interested in a variety of drugs but I'm one of the more experienced "adventurers", despite my age. So far I've tried Cannabis, Hydrocodone, DXM, Diphenhydramine, Alcohol, and MDMA.

I signed up at the forum because I thought it would be helpful to access all the information here... I'm sure that the people here can help me get the most out of any experience with any substance. I'm also joining because I thought it would be fun to participate in this community and share what I know.

Does Bluelight have an IRC?
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I'm very glad you decided to join. It's always great to hear when the younger generation searches out for information about substances they intend to take. Spread the word to your friends because knowledge saves lives! Once again, great to have you! :)
Yeah,, there is an IRC and an aim chat too. Try searching for them, it's easy to use. If you like reading erowid you'll like it here, more interaction though.

Welcome to Bluelight mate :)