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Smoking the crack of dawn


Nov 2, 1999
Crusty crags push themselves open to wipe away the lethargic bouts.
Crushed marketing campaigns painted upon cans and convienent food wrappers lay about.
Stirring to my upright position I put my tray back and buckle my safety belt as the pilot directs us on home.
Its these times when even the sun is just waking up peering a few shards of glow upon the world that I see it shown.
Where the landscape passes by like a slow motion montage of a really long involved movie.
This is when the dialogue is few and far between where everyone just gets it and knows that they don't have to convey their feelings.
And isn't that love, speaking without words?
And the ending credits are moments away as a smile registers in your mind.
You contemplate this contenentment and there on your face is that smile you find.
If anything I do drugs to appreciate reality.
This is cool! And hehe, what a title!

~*~ Ashke ~*~