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Heroin Smoked Heroin, but no euphoria


Feb 29, 2024
I've used Heroin once before but it's been around 9 years. I got some recently from a friend and decided to smoke a bit to help with some back pain. I smoked about 25-30mg over the course of 30 mins and now, 30 minutes after last hit, I still haven't had any euphoria or pain relief. I do feel a little high, but it's not very noticable.

I've taken plenty of opioids in the past with great experiences, but I currently have no tolerance. I have a herniated disk that I went to the hospital for last week, I've been taking Ketoloric, Prednisolone, and Cyclobensaprine. My last dose of Ketoloric was 12 hours ago, and the other 2 my last dose was 24 hours ago. Does anyone have knowledge or experience with these medications dulling the effects of opiates? I haven't indulged in anything else other than a couple beers last night and a tab of acid a month ago.

I'm thinking that either the prescription meds are dulling it, or that it was some extremely weak H. Anyone have experience with this or another idea what could be happening?
What country are you in? Heroin varies immensely by country.

Neither ketoloric, prednisolone or cyclobenzaprine should reduce the effects of heroin much.
I've used Heroin once before but it's been around 9 years. I got some recently from a friend and decided to smoke a bit to help with some back pain. I smoked about 25-30mg over the course of 30 mins and now, 30 minutes after last hit, I still haven't had any euphoria or pain relief. I do feel a little high, but it's not very noticable.

I've taken plenty of opioids in the past with great experiences, but I currently have no tolerance. I have a herniated disk that I went to the hospital for last week, I've been taking Ketoloric, Prednisolone, and Cyclobensaprine. My last dose of Ketoloric was 12 hours ago, and the other 2 my last dose was 24 hours ago. Does anyone have knowledge or experience with these medications dulling the effects of opiates? I haven't indulged in anything else other than a couple beers last night and a tab of acid a month ago.

I'm thinking that either the prescription meds are dulling it, or that it was some extremely weak H. Anyone have experience with this or another idea what could be happening?
What country are you in? Heroin varies immensely by country.

Neither ketoloric, prednisolone or cyclobenzaprine should reduce the effects of heroin much.
USA around the Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia area. I also tested it for Fent and it was negative.
I've used Heroin once before but it's been around 9 years. I got some recently from a friend and decided to smoke a bit to help with some back pain. I smoked about 25-30mg over the course of 30 mins and now, 30 minutes after last hit, I still haven't had any euphoria or pain relief. I do feel a little high, but it's not very noticable.

I've taken plenty of opioids in the past with great experiences, but I currently have no tolerance. I have a herniated disk that I went to the hospital for last week, I've been taking Ketoloric, Prednisolone, and Cyclobensaprine. My last dose of Ketoloric was 12 hours ago, and the other 2 my last dose was 24 hours ago. Does anyone have knowledge or experience with these medications dulling the effects of opiates? I haven't indulged in anything else other than a couple beers last night and a tab of acid a month ago.

I'm thinking that either the prescription meds are dulling it, or that it was some extremely weak H. Anyone have experience with this or another idea what could be happening?
almost certainly cut material, quite cut. i have seen people w no other meds on board die from 10-15mg of true diacetyl, and even that was most likely 70% ish.

be VERY careful, do not assume that is the going potency.
USA around the Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia area. I also tested it for Fent and it was negative.

This isn't a guarantee it's real H anymore these days. There are a lot of non-fent RC opioids showing up now, with the main one probably being nitazenes.

But if you barely got high at all it was probably just trash stuff.

And be extra careful these days if you're going in with zero opioid tolerance.
Those meds shouldn’t interfere. I use h for pain & smoking it has NEVER given me any effects (not even the tiniest bit of relief from withdrawal). I am a bad smoker, however. Insufflated (ideally in solution as a nasal spray) works very well for me.