Side effects from Buperion

Jekyll and Hyde

Mar 8, 2010
Hey all, after two weeks it seems that buperion (Wellbutrin), is giving me some of the worse side effects. Bad anxiety, I can barely keep my hands from shaking (typing is a bit of a chore), I've actually had some hallucinations (though, I'm not sure its from the med directly, I go 2-3 nights without sleep so it could be sleep deprivation), and some times panic attacks out of nowhere.

I guess its working as an antedepressant, as I'm not as down an out (or at least its fewer and further between episodes), but I don't know if I can trade one problem for another. I don't know if being more up and about is worth the anxiety and whatnot that accompanies this med.

Anyone have any simillar results?

Edit: its Bupropion, not buperion.
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For me all the side effects went away after a few weeks and it worked really well for about a year. I had to go off of it because I had a seizure that was probably due to benzo withdrawal but since I was on Wellbutrin at the time my doctor won't let me back on it in case it was a contributing factor.

I'd ride it out for a few weeks and then see if it's worth it for you. I wish I could go back on it, it worked better than anything else for my depression, only downside was it made me feel a little robot like at times, I feel more like myself (when I'm not depressed anyway) off of it.

P.S. if you're having trouble sleeping and with anxiety you should see if your doctor will prescribe something to help with the side effects. I was already on xanax and ambien when I started it so I just upped my doses a bit for the first few weeks until everything went back to "normal".
Yea, I hated it. I felt anxiety and couldn't sleep. I ended up stopping.

What about talking a lower dose? Talk to your doctor so u dont have to rough all this w/nothing.
I haven't had any bad side effects from it, though I've heard it can cause anxiety and insomnia in some people, and lower your seizure threshold.