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Oct 22, 1999
Right now, the days seem to go on and on
Confusion lies everywhere
There seem to be no boundaries between days
Or between anything once defineable and differentiable
Confusion grows like thick fog over me
No more order
No more organisation
Only entropy, utter chaos with no degree of contol
With each day I try to press forward
With each day I'm dragged back
Or somewhere off to the side
As I digress from what I once knew and governed
I wonder... is it bad?
Or is this just how things are?
Really its up to me
To make the changes to draw myself again, on a blank slate
But do I have the courage, the ability, the motivation...or the time?
I hate time
But time will tell
As another chunk of life passes, I find myself looking back on this segment
And realising that it has been wasted
Or worse still, done more harm than good
And now... I only have the choice to continue
But soon I must learn to divert myself
Will I find the time to do so?
Before my time is gone
Sorry, what a depressing train of thought
I need a fucking good pill aye?
ultimately, we just want to be happy
aaww.. baby

Phenomenal poem... Sad and haunting. Thank you.
-+- JiggLyPuCk -+-