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Share the visual hallucinations you've had on E/ give me some info

I was curious to see if it was possible for lcd or acid to be in a pill in addition to MDMA. The other threads did not touch on this issue.

Edit: I could still use more info on this subject. My friend swares we had LCD in the pills, but I've been telling her that that is very unlikely, if even possible.
There have been threads on that subject as well. I figured it wasn't necessary to mention that.

There is no LSD in pills. LSD is worth more on its own than dropped onto a pill. There were triangles around awhile back that had LSD in them but LSD in pills is quite rare.

MDA gives me visuals that range anywhere from DMT, mushrooms, LSD or numerous RC's, I see no reason to think otherwise.
My 1st roll was very light (only took 1/2). In fact I was at the movies when I peaked but it was nothing really, just felt really good. I went home that night right as I started to come down. When I got into my bed to go to sleep it looked like there were shadows of about 50 birds crashing into my window. It really freaked me out being that it was my 1st roll and I was alone by that time.
ive had mannnny a hallucination on e.
this one time, i was at some community centre and i was looking at a 'wheres waldo' book, then suddenly it became a square of knitting with two strings coming off the bottom. i tried to grab at the strings cuz at the time i was totally convinced that it was actually knitting, then my vision came into focus and i was clawing at a peice of paper with my friends sitting around me going, what the fuck?
then all the time when im rolling outside ill see trees become people, or people become trees. i was sitting down this one time looking at this man and woman walking along... the lady was pushing a carriage and the man was walking a dog.... then my vision came into focus and it was all just one small bush....
but i have to say, im usually dissapointed when i dont hallucinate on e... so much fun.8o
hmm.. lsd worth more than mdma, strange concept.. technically, dahling, anything can be in a pill, and believe me certain pills ARE different, its not just your frame of mind. get a good book on ecstacy.. there are practically a zillion different components that could be in a pill, even if they test positive for mdma. i'm beyond experienced, i know. mdma by itself is really not amazingly hallucinogenic, though it does enhance things.
Sure, there are plenty of different compounds that COULD be in pills. I'm not denying that at all.

I'm just saying that MDA is much more common.

Although, from re-reading it, the effects sound like MDMA to me. MDA is also pretty colorful when it causes you to hallucinate.

I've done most of the research chems except for a short list and those effects sound like MDMA in the right (or wrong, however you want to put it) setting.
Um I hadnt really had any untill last weekend...im guessing the two blue men i dropped were loaded with MDA because I had hallucinations just like the descriptions.

Took a piss, saw about 1/3rd of the toilet bowl being blue. then i would refocus and it would disapear. It would basically be there untill i refocused my eyes (like all of my hallucinations that night.)

my friend was rolling a joint, to me i saw a spring between his fingers. about the fatness of 3 cigarettes. weird, i know.

saw weird morphing shadows on my wall. general morphing shapes. would always go away once i refocused. also saw moustaches on a few of my friends!

when i was peaking really hard, one of my posters would jerk from left to right really quickly..dunno if thats a hallucination or not. (it didnt seem very real)
Lev said:
Ok, this freaks me out. Why do so many of us hallucinate glasses on people? Many times I have met people from forums only to hear them say, "Dude! Didn't know you wore glasses".

Is it in all of us to see glasses? Is it some 6th sense that other people have dropped - we know they are looking 'through' something?

Very strange.

i have never experienced this hallucination myself, but it is probably the same reason everybody drops their cigarrette and cant find it while under the influence of datura (see my "datura and dropping cigarrette syndrome" thread in psychadelics forum)----they've read about it online and now subconcioulsy expect it...especially the people you have met who visit forums like BL
my friend was rolling a joint, to me i saw a spring between his fingers. about the fatness of 3 cigarettes. weird, i know.

That sounds like it is definitely an MDA visual.

Its extremely commonplace for me to see visuals such as those on MDA. Space pretty much becomes color, especially space between two objects that are close together.

The only other drug that has had this strange phenomenon with me was 4-AcO-DET and it was still quite unique to itself.

And Bella: I'm not going to waste my time responding to you, "dahling".
The 3rd time I did Ecstasy, me and two of my friends were walking back to my house. There was this fence ahead of me, and I could see a shilouette of a man. I was about to point it out to my friends, but the sillouette kind of faded away.

It was like when in films they show ghosts, and the sound echos. Then there's like a little jingle and the ghosts dissapear completely. That's the best I can descibe it!
As of lately I noticed that there's always a visual component to my trip but most of the time I'm too happy to even notice them. From now on I'll try to look for hallucinations once in each trip. Like last time, I was pondering myself what could be in these pills we had, so I was "checking" my emotions and vision, and I managed to look at the same spot(footsteps in snow) for a few seconds. Things started morphing, circularly moving, extending, etc.

when the visuals get to a certain strength, I sometimes start noticing them suddenly when blinking, my closed eye visuals which linger, like after-images, cause some pretty dandy hallucinations. Like my field of vision is a cinema screen and my CEV-style hallucinations dance on the screen. This makes it look like my sight is 2D with an extra trippy dimension(depth)

offcourse in clubs with laserlights and dark spots visuals are easily triggered but still then I don't see them as hallucinations but it's just like the world is more beautifull which adds to my happiness. Mostly the visuals feel quite "natural"
arial narrow

The most recent time I rolled, I think I rolled harder than ever before. I am not sure what was in these, but they gave me a great deal of closed eye visuals, and some open eyed too.

Pretty much everything in my house that hadn't had life in it before, was alive and crawling. The walls crawled, the carpet looked like it was morphing and waving around, the tiles moved... it seems your eyes play a lot of tricks on you, especially if you stare at something.

I held a glowstick to my forehead, and looked in the mirror and couldve sworn i turned into my friend!

I think these pills were MDA bombs.
ive had the glasses on certan pills, plus i always see hands coming out of tvs and morphing
Last night... wow. I saw people for the first time... like there was a baby crawling over my door, my computer chair turned into a beautiful woman and I watched two sumo wrestlers go at it.

I saw a dragon made of millions of colors fly across the room too.

And a train of numbers and letters running up and down the walls.

There was a whole bunch of other stuff too... I've never tripped that hard off of pills before... yet I was completely lucid, like my brain was working better than it was when I was still sober, my memory was rockin. It was very odd.
One time after i had been doing E for a whole weekend i saw some really cool things. My body high was totally gone and i felt almost sober sitting on a bed with my friends chilling. At first I saw flys jumping accross the wallpapers, and some minutes later there are birds instead of the flys. Big neon nets in a kind of pink-red color is hanging in the ceiling and suddenly red and blue butterflies are coming out from one of my friends nostrils, so I tell him "hey butterflies are coming out of your nose" and he puts his fingers to close his nostrils and they stop coming, the second later he opens one and the butterflies are there again...awesome

I´ve also experienced glasses on people...strange that so many gets the same visuals
Lev said:
Ok, this freaks me out. Why do so many of us hallucinate glasses on people? Many times I have met people from forums only to hear them say, "Dude! Didn't know you wore glasses".

Is it in all of us to see glasses? Is it some 6th sense that other people have dropped - we know they are looking 'through' something?

Very strange.

That is a fucken awesome point, I get it all the time!! I'm gonna run this one by my mates next time we're pilling out.... Which should be this weekend.
I've visualised kalahari bushmen as roadsigns, and the best one ever I was driving home with some crew waiting for the lights to change, not another car on the road, then I just said "Nice scooter lover" everyone else was like 'what scooter' and i said, the old lady who just rode past on that crazy old scooter' then I proceeded to shut the fuck up and not make any random remarks.
I once had an expirence where after using pot and e I was looking at a trippy poster on the wall. So while I was looking at it the wall with the poster looked like it was breathing and the design on the poster was warping into different colors like bright green, hot pink and colors like that.
2 guys walk out of the room in boxer shorts with their t-shirts wrapped around their head. 2 smoking hot women walk back in. One of those guys also turned into an egyptian pharaoh. Ashtray appears on wooden table and disappears after putting a cigarette out on the table.. oops. People grow beards and all sorts of hair. People suddenly have these ridiculously flamboyant sunglasses on. A poster that already looks trippy in the day suddenly makes the most intense swirling motions and suddenly is made up of hundreds of layers. People had different hats and costumes on throughout the night. One person had a moose costume on, with antlers and everything. It was a costume though and I could see his face, but he had a new beard. :)
This was the only time I had visuals apart from one other time where I saw a few beards and sunglasses that weren't there.