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Jan 12, 2020
I’m tripping but like, not even 80% but there’s this bright light coming from the back of my head. There’s shadow people all around me. They’re cool, we’re all cool but my question is..... who are they? Anyone else have shadow people hanging out with you while trippin?
I know what you mean but I've never regarded it as possible shadow people haha.
Cracked me up a little, have a good trip :)
Shadow people typically appear through use of deliriants, or at the end of a long stimulant binge. It's subconsciousness filling in blanks in the conscious mind. They're one-trick ponies, they only appear alive.. but there's a chance you can learn something from them, as they reflect information from the part of the mind hidden from awareness.

I suppose they happen because of the meds you're on, the antipsychotic in particular. Or did you ever see the shadow people while sober?
I find I have people with me when taking Cyclizine, and often have conversations in hushed tones until I remember I'm tripping, its 4am and I'm on my own!

I had one experience with DMT where it felt like someone was standing at much shoulder watching over me, I couldn't see the presence just knew it was there.
I used to have an arrow protruding from my left temple. I could feel it there, 24/7. I wasn't on drugs at the time.... I guess I was delusional. I saw a psych and he helped me deal with it 😁
Always nice when psychiatry works! Wish it did more often. It's heartbreaking to see them give up and devolve into human storage facilities.
^^Or better yet shutting them all down so those struggling mentally are forced into an already weighed down jail/prison system.. Seems to be what’s happening in my area as of lately.

Marji you used to use a-pvp right or still do? I could see the shadow people probably know you pretty well by now and from what I hear once you start to see them it becomes easier to see them over time. I could see an ex/current flakka user having shadow people even during a psychedelic trip.

Thing is that there doesn't seem to be too much of a difference to begin with.

Both systems occasionally return a rehabilitated individual.

It's the wrong question to focus on, imo. The question is: how can we use the Internet to mentally empower the greatest number of people to the greatest extent possible?
What question did I pose? I was simply stating what is happening in my area.

I agree though both systems are a failure at best. And while the internet has brought us closer to the knowledge humanity needs, it’s also starting to get clamped down on by the powers that be. Internet does no good for someone in a country that censors what they can or can’t see. Or those with no internet access at all, while internet access is higher than ever still only ~60% of the worlds population use it. So we have a tool that can be censored/manipulated, that not everyone has access to, we need to look beyond easily edited digital media IMO.

Your statement could be taken as the question of whether or not to keep psychiatry around.

Look, there's a natural sympathy for the suffering. And there's natural sympathy for the people suffering trying to take care of the suffering. There's no value in direct attacks on that, no value in destructive criticism. But at the same time there's limited value in constructive criticism, because it takes so much time for our tricks to trickle down through layers of bureaucracy. Any criticism is really but a reminder that people can be their own shaman nowadays, which is to say to the degree they're comfortable with that idea, and to the degree that they are disabused from the notion that the medical system typically does anything else than masking symptoms when it comes to the mind.

But I wonder whether taking that to the absolute global level, beyond the global village that the Internet still is, is tipping over into sentimentality. It's restoring sanity in the most powerful people on Earth that gives actual chances of avoiding systemic collapse, or at least some chances of a graceful downsizing. And these people can be assumed to be plugged in. Again, not saying you're technically wrong by any means. But once we downplay the power of media I think we've lost focus.
I always see these shadow people on LSD, mainly when i'm in a dark room or i dim the lights down. Usually the whole room is filled with them and they are starting at me just watching... Usually pretty creepy but i don't get to freaked out because i know i'm only tripping but still....

I've got them off a small dose such as 150 but had a more intense experience with them when i was tripping 275ug and turned the lights off.
Yes my statement could be taken as such, but it is a little arrogant and condescending to then tel me to move my focus off that question when it wasn’t my mind to pose the question in the first place. I merely stated what I see, you came to your own conclusion from that..

I didn’t attack anything.. And in fact my statement was pro psychiatry if you actually took the time to read it. I think it’s wrong to push mentally struggling out onto the streets where cops then pick them up and now their wrapped up in that system. How is wanting the mental heakth facilities to stay open tell you I’m anti psychiatry?..

I can tell by the way you write and verbiage your likely experiencing some intense revelations at the moment but reign it in. Your beginning to slip and your posts are coming off as such, I’m assuming LSD fairly often? Don’t become the next Timothy, timothy..

You realize that from my one statement of simply watching a sad reality that mentally disabled are forced into the streets from forced facility closures, has in a few posts somehow devolved into turning on the world via the Internet?
