Serious HELP and A BIG WTFF


Mar 25, 2010
Two capitalized f's were needed for this wtf. Ok. So I have been without dope for a day. Hurray. Least of my problems Right now. So I dozed off around 2am...At 4am I woke up short of breath. This happened for 40 FUCKING minutes. Im scared to even go back to sleep so I decided to take some adderall. OK so this is what bothers me. This has happened in the past and No One Thinks im serious. You know when you're high on e and your eyes roll up well this happened a dozen times tonight and my body went numb. This sounds weird but sometimes my nasal cavity is clogged so I put vicks on my chest to breath better. Right after I did this this was like time 10 waking up like this I sunk back into my pillow, and literally it felt like someone had a bottle of poppers around my nose for to long or I did some duster. It scared the fuck out of me. Not only this but I heard some shit and I dont Really know if it was there. Im talking LOUD thumping. What the fuck is happening? Should I take my ass to er later or what? I think its just sleep apnea, but That all seems a little to messy for just sleep apnea.
interesting how no one responded. i assume ur oka6y now? respond and let me know how ur doing. iduno in regards to your post though, im not the sharpest tool in the shed
Kinda disgusted. This place is really lame. I cant believe no one responded to this...but they respond to a dude how do I get high thread. I did a bunch of drugs. I hope my lips dont turn blue.
sorry to hear that youre going through bad withdrawals. like most serious medical question or complicated/uncommon medical symptoms, the best advice bluelight and its members can offer is to go seek professional help with a doctor or hospital.

the reason why there are responses to the 'how can i get high thread' is because most people on bluelight know how to get high while not many know how to address medical issues, and i daresay even those who do have professional training in health-care will direct you to see a professional as its irresponsible and usually inaccurate to diagnose medical issues online.

please go see a doctor. what combination of drugs did you take?
Yeah, like versd said, all of us would like to help you, but most of us don't know what's going on with you or how to help. Try making an appointment with a doctor and explain it. Maybe s/he'll know something. Sorry I can't help anymore than that.
Kinda disgusted. This place is really lame. I cant believe no one responded to this...but they respond to a dude how do I get high thread. I did a bunch of drugs. I hope my lips dont turn blue.

I agree man that's why i never post or go to the dark side, seems like a bunch of fake people to me.

later on man
^^^ Your entitled to your opinion but sadly im not entitled to say a slew of insults back. All i can say is that from my experience here most people arent fake. In fact i havent met anyone here who is fake. Whatever the fuck that means anyway.

As to the OP ive had breathing problems during withdrawal as well as what felt like heart problems. Honestly i would say go to a doctor or emergency room. That is the best advice i can give you. Good luck.
I took nothing. It was my day off. I meant to tell my parents I need cash because they have been helping even though they hate to do it. I was going to go to ER but I already have a 700 dollar bill my insurance didnt cover for my OD, AND no one really thinks im being serious. I think it may have been the tramadol I took. I will never touch that garbage again. I set up to go to NA today and god damn am I nervous.

I wasnt trying to bash on this place its just kinda weird. I didnt mean that people on here are fake. I just meant people on here act different to someone whos a random and someone whos a regular if that makes the least bit of sense
I took nothing. It was my day off. I meant to tell my parents I need cash because they have been helping even though they hate to do it. I was going to go to ER but I already have a 700 dollar bill my insurance didnt cover for my OD, AND no one really thinks im being serious. I think it may have been the tramadol I took. I will never touch that garbage again. I set up to go to NA today and god damn am I nervous.

I wasnt trying to bash on this place its just kinda weird. I didnt mean that people on here are fake. I just meant people on here act different to someone whos a random and someone whos a regular if that makes the least bit of sense

That's life though, people act differently when they are unfamiliar with someone. Even beyond people. Imagine you are a squirrel and you are sitting around your tree house with your squirrel family when some random ass squirrel shows up in the living room and hes like 'man, my lips are turning blue, i'm fucked up'. So you move your children into their bedrooms and lock the doors and tell the squirrel to sit down and have some lemonade. There is not much point to this, i just thought it was funny. The real point is that people here are friendly and helpful, but it's more difficult to deal with those you know little about.